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Moving what do I do???

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:57 pm
by lilfoot1112
hey everyone I've just found out that I will be moving in about 3 months or less and this time its not near my ortho. Ive been braces for 3 years 3 months and still counting & and Im 75% done I cant ford other ortho and there no way he can fix all that need to be done before them I guest I can see what he can do in that time frame any input would be great Thank you

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:15 pm
by esallis
Your gonna have to find a new one.

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:32 pm
by lilfoot1112
Ty wish I could but I've alreay spent 8k in ortho. work between 2 different orthos. I dont have any more funds for ortho. work I wish I did Im just going to have to live with what can be fix in that time frame .

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:55 am
by horriblebite1
I am in asimilar position.
I just wondered what the situation usually is re changing orthodontists and payment.
My treatment was supposed to take 18 months. I am midway through and have paid about 3/4 of what was originally quoted as the full cost over the full treatment time, the biggest bill came after the brace was fitted and now i just pay chunks every few months to cover adjustments (i guess).

Would an ortho be likely to demand the whole amount if a patient moves, even though treatment is not complete?

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:30 pm
by lyphta
Are you moving out of state or just out of the city?
My ortho has patients that still fly in from out of state to see her for their treatment, maybe your ortho can work out a schedule with you. It's very possible, the only thing would be your adjustments would probably be farther apart than usual.
You should definitely ask your othro about if they accommodate you and work something out.

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:25 pm
by lilfoot1112
@ horriblebite1: No your ortho. wounldn't demand the whole payment if your not done and you cant help that your moving you may get refund because your not finished but Im not sure Ty for the reply best of luck

@ lyphta: I will be moving out of state I live Philadelphia PA and will be moving to Lake Park FL in June I wish I could just fly back to him for the remainder of my treatment but by the time I spent all the money to fly to him and back again I could just find a new ortho. for the money I would put out but I dont have that kinda of money I wish I did Ty for the reply

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:22 pm
by I love my teeth
I'm moving as well in 2 weeks. I am within 6months of finishing treatment :cry:

I called several orthos in my new city--a few were quite rude when i asked about transfer patients. One receptionist replied "well, we'll just put our own brackets on"--really? I only have 6months to go? I called another and they were great, so I am going in for a consult the week after we get back...not sure of the finances yet, but I don't have much of a choice I guess! Best of luck to you (and to me too, I guess!)

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:24 pm
by lilfoot1112
@ I love my teeth: best of luck on your move today 4/7/11 I went to my ortho to talk to him about me moving and what can be done and I got a pleasant surpise :-* I was more done then I though my braces are going to be coming off May 17 I'm glad that he taking them off he addressing some of the minor issues he said other then that Im done. I was socked and sooooo happy :-*. I went throw that to when I was looking to change ortho before I found him so many offices were rude one office even told me I would have to have my braces off before they would see me some offices can be funny like that. best of luck on your move and your ortho change :D

Re: Moving what do I do???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:41 pm
by I love my teeth
thanks---I am hoping it's a pleasant experience as well!

congrats on the good news, I was hoping mine would be off as well, but no luck....