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Black triangles

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:33 am
by schar
Hey guys, great forum here. I've been in braces since Aug 7 2009. My debrace date is on the 16th April. Really can't wait, but I have an issue.
I have a black triangle between my lateral and central maxillary incisor. My orthodontist tried tipping it towards the central last month, but it hasn't really changed.
I think it may have to do with the shape of the tooth. What can be done to close the triangle or what should I suggest to him. I wouldn't like it if I got out of braces and still have this hole where food gets into!

Here's a picture to give you an idea.


Edit: How come my image isn't showing?

Re: Black triangles

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:31 am
by suzanna
You can ask your orthodontist to do some IPR in between those two teeth (shaving them down a bit) and then pulling them closer together.

Re: Black triangles

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:56 pm
by rabbitteeth
I have the same issue. I had some IPR done but the ortho could only could do so much. He said that's the way my teeth are shaped and the gum didn't grow out because my teeth were crowded there. Someone else posted the same subject and it was suggested that bonding was an option. I asked my general dentist about bonding but he was a hesitant because it may cause premature recession of the gums. I've had my braces for 24 months now, my ortho will give me an estimate of how much longer on my next visit. Hopefully it won't too much.