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Insurance help???

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:51 am
by braced33
I am newly braced as of 3 weeks ago, and my insurance does not cover orthodontic work.
I did some searching on-line, and all of the orthodontic insurance that I found looked like a scam. I called my orthodontist, but they didn't have much help to give and said to be wary of on-line orthodontic insurance.
Does anyone know of any good plans?
Thank you! These things are expensive, and some monetary help would be so nice...

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:10 am
by Crazy4Snow
My insurance didn't cover mine so it's out-of-pocket for me.

If you are already wearing braces you won't get ANY insurance company to cover them. It will be considered a "pre-existing condition". The time to research was before you got them on so I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:52 pm
by braced33
Hmmmm, that's what I was afraid of...

Just wondering if most of you pay out of pocket or know of an insurance plan?

Thanks for any help!

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:09 am
by BracedGeek
I got dental insurance that had good copays for cleanings and routine stuff and also offered 25% off of ortho work. So I am still paying out of pocket, just less than I would. The insurance was less than $200 for the year, so by the time the discount is applied and I get all the routine work done, it will pay for itself.

I got the insurance just before the ortho work was started, and am glad, because once treatments starts, getting insurance is not a possibility.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:03 am
by ladyksilver
I have dental insurance that covers 50% off orthodontics usual and customary services and offers a lifetime benefit of $1000. Basically, I'm still paying out of pocket for my treatment. The $1000 was deducted from the totoal amount and I also participate in a HSA plan so my monthly payments come from there. My employer contributes $600/year to my HSA plan and I contribute to my HSA plan every pay period. This is a pretty good setup and was one of the reasons I'm able to get my braces on May 3rd. My dental insurance is through a company called Ameritas. Like the others have stated a policy should have been established before your treatment began.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:30 am
by Lisa43947
I have a Delta Dental Enhanced plan through my employer. It costs me about $30/month and it paid $1000 of my almost $5000 ortho bill.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:39 pm
by loradora
I have no dental coverage, so mine was totally out of pocket. Most dental plans only cover orthodontic work for people under 18. Someone mentioned a Healthcare Spending account. If your employer has one, take advantage of it. You have money deducted from your paycheck before taxes so virtuallly all of your medical/dental payments are paid for with before tax money. You have to do your homework ahead of time as it's a "use or lose it" deal.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:27 pm
by ladyksilver
An HSA account allows your balances to roll over year after year- at least mines does. An FSA account ballances will be lost if not spent within the specified amount of time, usually a year.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:04 am
by hazybubbles
braced33 wrote:Hmmmm, that's what I was afraid of...

Just wondering if most of you pay out of pocket or know of an insurance plan?

Thanks for any help!
The point remains NO insurance plan will pay for braces you already have on as it is pre existing treatment, so no matter how good these plans sound I'm afraid you've missed the boat.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:09 am
by Chicagogal
yes I suppose you've sort of missed the boat on regular insurance.

Look into an pre-tax FSA (full balance available immediately at the beginning of the year, will lose the money if not spent in that year)
or pre-tax HSA (must build up balance with each paycheck or catch-up contribution if allowed, funds can be invested, funds carry over and follow you to a new firm/employer)

The only other plan that i've heard ortho's/dentists/periodontists suggest is "care credit," not sure if it still exists, but depending on the rate you get and if you can't pay out of pockect immediately it might be worth looking into.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:08 pm
by katiemcb09
I (of course) waited until I was booted off my dad's health insurance to get braces. I have to pay him a flat fee every month just for health insurance, and it was double that to get dental. Everyone I talked to said to just pay for ortho out of pocket and not bother with insurance. I heard it comes out pretty even, so I just paid out of pocket.

Re: Insurance help???

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:31 am
by Snowglobe32
My insurance only paid $1500 of my total. I often wonder if my quote was $1500 more because they knew insurance would be paying a portion. Who knows?