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ATTENTION: Defamatory Postings Not Allowed

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:14 pm
by bbsadmin

This message board is not a soapbox for anyone to defame another individual, whether it be a doctor or a layperson.

If you have a gripe against a particular doctor, you are free to post your details WITHOUT DISCLOSING THE DOCTOR'S NAME OR LINK TO THEIR WEBSITE.

We have received several "cease and desist" letters from doctors because of this.

If you have a gripe against a doctor, please post it on your own blog. In the future, defamatory postings will be removed from this message board and if a member persists in posting defamatory information, they will be banned.

I think nobody would want to see this message board shut down by lawyers, so please comply with this request.

Lynn, the site Owner and Admin