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Bleeding from spacers?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:05 am
by Faerie
I have had my spacers around my molars since May 16. I am supposed to have my braces installed on Monday. Last night while I was brushing my teeth, my bottom right molar or the gums around it started bleeding. It wasn't just a tiny bit of pink like you see from time to time, but it was bright red blood and quite a bit of it too for the few seconds that the bleeding was going on. I had some dental work done on this tooth a couple months ago. I had a cavity filled and a root scaling done around the gums of that tooth. Does this sound normal? The bleeding has stopped, but I am worried that this is going to set me back and delay my braces going on. I plan to call the orthodontist office later when they open. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and what to expect.

Re: Bleeding from spacers?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:57 pm
by Faerie
Just an update- I ended up going into the orthodontist office and they replaced the affected spacer which had gotten a rather large chunk of food lodged in it. Apparently this caused the bleeding and now that it has been replaced it is already feeling a lot better. Everything is still a go on my braces for Tuesday.