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how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:43 am
by AnnR
Hi all,

Had an adjustment up last week - I'm on a higher strength wire now - think its the 3rd strength I've been on since I started, definately thicker than the last 2 types I've had anyway. My ortho then said I will have to have elastics when I get into stage 3!

Stupidly I did not ask him how many stages there are - probably because subconsciously I didn't want him to say 50 or something! Would be happy if there were only 3!!!! Any ideas what he's talking about when he mentions stages?

Also.....I'm so dreading elastics....I can cope with the pain (I think!) but I do a professional job and think I'm going to look hideous with elastic bands! Anyone know if the elastics are white/coloured etc and what they actually look like - are they really obvious?

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:30 am
by bp88
I'm not too sure about the stages, sorry.

I got elastics 6 weeks ago, mine were clear and no-one even noticed I had them. I didn't have any pain with them either, the usual aching for a couple days after the adjustment but that's it. Make sure to wear them as directed, I did and when I had my next adjustment yesterday he said I only have to wear them at night now instead of 24/7 because I'd worn them as told and they did what he wanted them to do already. :)

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:01 pm
by Bracer215
Types of elastics, the way they are placed on your teeth, and the length of time you wear them are determined by your ortho and what he/she is trying to accomplish.
I was in elastics at the 8 week mark. They were in the shape of a triangle toward the front of my mouth attached to the top canines in each side and then hooked to two of the bottom teeth. I only wear them at night. I have now been in braces for 5 months and 1 week and still wear those elastics at night. Kind of hard to talk or eat but thankfully they are only worn at night. :)

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:17 am
by klobird
Hi there!!

I have had braces for 7 weeks and have had elastics since day one...I don't feel like anyone notices--if they do, I don't really care. They don't cause any pain at all, except for one time when they were rubbing on the inside of my cheek. That lasted only one day. Some days they feel tighter than others, but again, not really a problem.

There's just one thing--they are a total pain in the a#s. I take them out only to eat and brush. They fly all over the room unintentionally when I put new ones back on. They drop in the sink. I put them down and can't find them. The other thing is that they always remind me that I have braces--always. When I have them off, I barely even notice my braces, except when I get pokeys, which is often.

But other than being totally psychologically irritating :crazy: , they are really no problem...

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:26 am
by bp88
Random but.. I love how you referred to it as 'pokeys' that is so cute! :)

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:49 pm
by musiclady2340
How often do you change the elastics? Daily. Twice daily. I forgot to ask my ortho. Thanks :shock: :shock:

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:05 pm
by klobird
I take my elastics out when I eat and brush. I brush after I eat and put new ones in. I think my ortho wants me to keep the same ones during the day, but it's just to disgusting for me. So I put new ones on. I went in for another pokey yesterday and asked if some people have to wear elastics the whole time they are in braces...hmmmm...
The answer was yes.... :shock: :ThumbsDown: :crazy:

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:27 pm
by Snowglobe32
I was told to change my elastics 3-4 times a day in addition to after eating.

I read where they lose their power within a few hours.

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:49 am
by LoveOrtho
Same here, I was told by my orthodontist to change my elastics at least 3-4 times a day...

Elastics do lose there power after a while of eating / talking. When I forget to change mine after 6 hours or so, they will snap in my mouth and it really hurts!


Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:32 am
by AnnR
Thanks for all the replies! I'm kinda dreading it because I'm worried about how they look etc. But exciting too because must mean it's going to make an improvement and am looking forward to the outcome! :-)

Re: how many stages?! And elastics :-(

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:56 am
by Chicagogal
I don't love the way they look. Well, the ones toward the front of my mouth. I do see people glancing at my mouth more now that I have them. They're sort of translucent, but start a kind of yellowy color that I'm not a fan of and somehow end kind of oddly white. They kind of look like spit in the corners of your mouth. I change them only when I eat, which winds up being about 3-4 times per day. my ortho did not so to change them more than when I ate/brushed.

THAT being said, they move your teeth so amazing fast. it's not an accurate science, a lot of patterns can be needed to get the right bite, but they're amazing and worth it.