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What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:14 pm
by klobird
I was thinking about what the very first thing will be that I will eat when I get braces off in 22 months :shock:

Twix, twix and more twix candy bars!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:30 pm
by catgyrl
Girl, you are a model patient... I eat popcorn, chewing gum, Twix, Snickers, gummy bears... All that bad stuff. Granted, none of it tastes as good as it used to. :(

I will probably eat a whole apple. I love apples, but am too lazy to cut them up, so I think I've eaten exactly two in the past 14 months.

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:22 pm
by klobird
Rofl Cat!!---I absolutely thought of you when I wrote the question--I knew you were a "sinner"--but not that bad!!!

Remember I get the threat of being charged $50 every time I turn around---I think if they could read my mind, they would charge me $50 for even thinking of eating popcorn, twix, snickers--etc,etc,etc!!!!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:41 pm
by catgyrl
I AM A SINNER!! I even own a perfume by Kat Von D (tattoo artist) named "Sinner". Don't get me wrong, though... I don't eat all those things on a regular basis. Can't chew gum anymore because of the elastics. :(

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:56 am
by LoveOrtho
Tough question, when I get my braces off I would probably go for bubble gum first. Before braces, I was that girl that would chew a pack of gum per week, but I haven't even touched gum in 21 months... I also REALLY like popcorn, so I would go to the movies and by some!


Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:58 am
by luchababe
Licorice, peanuts, swedish berries and popcorn all washed down with a Coke without a straw!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:07 am
by Rach44
This is a tough question because there's SO many things that I miss. I will probably go to a movie and get popcorn and Starburst! I have been craving both so much lately. Also, this thread makes me want a Twix lol. I miss almonds, gummy bears, whole apples, raw carrots, and corn on the cob. I think I just miss even being able to chew normally because of these bite blockers. *sigh* 26.5 months to go..

Cat, I am AMAZED that you were able to eat a whole apple! I'm terrified to bite into anything so everything I eat is cut into small pieces first.

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:52 am
by bp88
I'm also a sinner, I eat practically everything I did before braces. I just can't wait to go out to eat and bite into a huge burger instead of having to pick it apart and make a complete mess!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:09 am
by Harriet
I think for me it would be veggie fajitas or veggie chillie burritos, or nachos. These are all things i'm not yet up to eating 1 week into braces!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:21 am
by drgnchsr36
Probably everything and enjoy not having stuff stuck in the brackets!! (i.e. gummy bears, doritios, chips and salsa, sub sandwiches, beef jerky... )

....and I'll be eating soup cuz I want to, not cuz I need to... :p

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:30 am
by orangeracer
I found the thin and floppy starter wires were much more difficult to chew with than the thicker ones that were placed a couple of adjustments in. Just be careful and bon appetit!

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:48 am
by catgyrl
Rach44 wrote:Cat, I am AMAZED that you were able to eat a whole apple! I'm terrified to bite into anything so everything I eat is cut into small pieces first.
Sorry, I guess I didn't word my comment properly. I've only eaten 2 CUT UP apples in the last 14 months. No way I would ever try to eat a whole one. I think I would look like this: :GapToothed:

I agree with everyone that I think I will just enjoy not having to immediately pick food out of my teeth in front of people.

Starbursts sound delicious... yum... :D

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:42 pm
by ann0rz
- Popcorn (not that I ever ate it often, but I think I will treat myself to them just because I suddenly can again!)
Oh yes, and I will CHOMP on the kernels like there's no tomorrow! :D

- Apples, whole - because I am tired of having to cut them up. Can't wait 'til I am able to sink my jaws into a nice juicy whole apple and crunch with utter satisfaction!

- Gnawing on bones (-_- yes, I miss that part...sucking the last succulent bits off ribs or drumsticks, chomping on the marrow {my favourite part!}, etc)

Although during my first day in braces I promptly broke off a bracket by attempting to delicately eat a sandwich, I've gotten pretty bold/careless now (chomping on nuts, gnawing on pizza crust, etc) so I haven't let braces stand in the way much of what I can / cannot eat... but it will be awfully NICE to not worry about scraps constantly getting stuck in the brackets...yes indeed.

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:13 pm
by LoveOrtho
Oh, I forgot to add sticky candy! :D I love Starbursts, and Twix and all that jazz...

Re: What is the first thing you will eat after braces?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:29 pm
by bedazzlemouth
I eat just about everything...I just eat it differently. One thing I have been unable to tackle is sponge candy (it's a northeast U.S. thing). I will have it on hand the day I go for debracing, which is unfortunately going to be another 12 months or so. I love sponge candy!