Increasing gum pain, really?!

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Increasing gum pain, really?!

#1 Post by Jensniffer »

Alright just when I thought I was used to everything...

I have had my braces on for a month now (still do not have back molars banded, thats coming soon) and I have started to get this pain/irritation with 2 of my top teeth, 2nd and 3 rd from the back, it feels like something is stuck in between my gums. I have gone at it with my toothbrush, floss and even my water pik and if there is something in there its not coming out! One of the teeth has a crown on it, is it possible its just moving around and the crown is pushing on my gum making it feel like something is stuck in there?

I go to the ortho in one week to get spaces put in on the top (lord help me, I hear they hurt the most!!) so if its not better by then I will ask I suppose.

Just wondering if anyone else has felt anything like this.

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Re: Increasing gum pain, really?!

#2 Post by MissTippyToes »

Probably just moving, which is a pain, but that what you are paying for - sorry, couldn't give you a better answer.

-Miss Tippy Toes :)

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Re: Increasing gum pain, really?!

#3 Post by SlimZippy »

It's possible that the brace movement has produced a gap between the teeth so food can get wedged in between casing gum pain. I had something similar and went to the dentist to have it looked at as it was very sensitive. It felt different to the usual brace ache.
Damon & ICE brackets for 11 months in 2010/2011 @ 34 : Before and after pictures here

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