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Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:25 am
by njkonert
Any recommendations of the colour of power chains to get that do not stain as much. I love curry and stained my power chains. I just got them replaced with silver power chains.

Re: powerchains

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:50 am
by MissTippyToes
I would get gray because they won't stain, but if you're a bit more adventures try pearl - it doesn't stain as much as clear.

Miss Tippy Toes :)

Re: powerchains

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:46 pm
by catgyrl
Pearl is pretty close to Obscure, which is the lig color I use. They're both more resistant to staining than Clear, but they DO stain. Darker colors like black, dark purple and dark blue are pretty stain-resistant. However, I've never tried eating curry with them. I think silver also stains with curry.

Re: powerchains

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:21 am
by njkonert
I have tried the silver ones. They do make my braces more noticeable but at least they don't turn bright yellow. I have also eaten curry LOTS and they stay silver. Thank-you for all the help :).