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So Confused! Help!!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:01 am
by britlee91
Hi i'm a new Aussie girl and i desperately need advice. In the last week i have had 2 orthodontic consultations and now i am completely confused. Both ortho's have said the same thing except the both have different ways to treat it. So the diagnosis is crowding on upper and lower arches as well as a crossbite and a slight overjet(there may have been more but i can not remember right now). Ortho #1 recommended removal of lower wisdom teeth (i still have all four) as well as both upper 1st premolars to provide enough space and In Ovation C braces on for around 18 months.

Ortho #2 recommended removal of lower wisdom teeth( if i chose not to it would have no effect on the orthodontic treatment) and Inspire Ice Braces for 12-18 months. Ortho #2 also brought up the fact that my central incisors are undersized by about 2-3mm and brought up the possibility of veneers after braces(my dentist to do them of course) or shaving down my lower teeth so they are in proportion to top teeth.
Sorry thats all i can remember from them at the moment. I'm kicking myself i didn't write it down.

I would upload photos but i have no idea how to and i don't think I'm allowed to.

Thanks Heaps for taking the time to read this.
Any opinions would be helpful

Re: So Confused! Help!!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:23 pm
by chainreaction
Hello ...altho Im not a dentist ...I would want to keep as many teeth as I could ...I think the wisdom teeth probably should come out (Im 51 and had my last wisdom tooth removed just recently ) I have severe crowding ...I know each case is different but my ortho wants to not do any extractions if she doesnt have to ...I have a crossbite also overjet....Im in Damon clear on top ...metal Damons bottom...23-27 months ....

Re: So Confused! Help!!

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:28 am
by Huggypillow
im aussie girl too

ok my ortho had my 2 bottom pre molars extracted as they were baby teeth.
i have 2 bottom wisdom teeth that he said will function as normal strong teeth

and im getting tad's to pull them down.

ive got metal bottoms and havent decided on clear or metsl for the top in a few weeks doesnt bother me either way metal are slightly lower profile cos he showed me the clear brackets which are slightly thicker.

in in qld if that helps

Re: So Confused! Help!!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:36 pm
by britlee91
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the reply I've decided to go with Ortho #2 because he definately knows what he's talking about and won't be extracting any teeth. :-)
Now i just have the joy of saving $1750 for the deposit.

Huggypillow i'm a Queenslander too. :-)

Once again thanks for the help guys.