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Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:00 pm
by Blackbeltfundraiser
Besides straighter teeth eventually.

..... I've lost 7 pounds.
..... I've stopped biting my nails! (probably because I can't but I've tried and tried and tried and couldn't quit before :-)

What're your experiences?

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:28 pm
by Snowglobe32
25-30 lbs and kept it off! I :heart: my braces!

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:44 pm
by sweetembraceable
Weight loss. I have spacers and I can't chew anything crunchy or chewy. An almond was like a rock in my mouth. Tortilla chips = trying to crunch drywall. Tasty drywall though! :lol: :(

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:51 pm
by Huggypillow

iv'e lost a few kilo's and no i can't bite my nails either, i was a really bad nail biter for a long time, and i can't bite them at all.

it drove me crazy for the first few weeks now thanks to braces im a reformed nail biter.... i now have long nails..... who would have thought.

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:42 am
by kennyandrew85
lost a lot of weight also! I think that's one of the reasons a lot of people claim to have a thin face after extractions. Most of it is down to weight loss! I am using this time to get in the gym and do some lifting and drinking lots of protein shakes, mmmmm

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:03 am
by ashesgap
I've quit drinking sodas in an effort to figure out what the heck is causing stains. Now after a cup or two of coffee in the morning I drink water all day. Now I'm sure coffee stains too, but I can't give up all my caffeine.....I'd be a walking zombie.
I've also stopped opening bags and stuff with my teeth. I'm not sure of the benefits of that yet, but I'm sure my teeth appreciate it.

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:40 am
by klobird
I've gained 7lbs!!---I never used to drink milkshakes and had so much pudding and ice cream and soft desserts!!--I'm eating them because they're easy and filling and I think because I'm panicking at what awful appliance I will get that will make it impossible to eat--but probably exactly what I need!!

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:44 am
by Rach44
I've lost a bit of weight also! However, I find it very difficult to maintain a healthy diet. I am/was a big vegetable eater, but now I can eat very few raw vegetables (carrots, celery, broccoli are all too hard/difficult to eat). I can still eat these things steamed, but I miss most raw vegetables. :( I definitely hear klobird on eating/drinking more dessert type stuff so I'm surprised I've actually lost and not gained. I won't complain though because braces are definitely awesome at preventing excessive snacking when you don't want to brush a million times a day.

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:48 am
by Snowglobe32
Rach44- have you tried a buying a chopper? I have found that I can still eat raw vegetables if they are chopped up. I have been successful with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower...

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:57 pm
by kaddessi
Stopped biting my nails but haven't lost any weight. I haven't figured out how to eat fruit and vegatables yet without putting them in the blender. I was able to eat some grapes twice last weekend and then my teeth starting hurting.

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:48 pm
by sea54change
I lost over 5 lbs during the first 2 months with braces. I felt so healthy.
Now, after 11 months, I've gained it all back. :(

However I go to the ortho on the 19th for an adjustment and will probably be in lots of pain. Even after 11 months of braces and otho appts., I never remember to pack my bottle of Advil in my briefcase on days I have an ortho appt. Must be my elderly age kicking in. :)

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:14 pm
by Rach44
Snowglobe32 wrote:Rach44- have you tried a buying a chopper? I have found that I can still eat raw vegetables if they are chopped up. I have been successful with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower...
I hadn't thought of that, but that's a really great idea! Thanks for the suggestion. :) I've been eating shredded carrots (the kind you would normally put in a salad) but I hadn't found a way to eat broccoli or celery raw yet. I'm definitely going to look into that.

Another upside to braces for me: confidence! Most people say braces make you more self-conscious, but I'm finally not afraid to smile huge or laugh with my teeth showing because they're not the crooked mess they used to be. :mrgreen:

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:38 pm
by laura5535
I've had braces for seven weeks now and I've lost 5 pounds. I also miss not eating vegetables and some fruits but have found that I can somewhat get all that stuff in with V8 juice -- vegetable and fruit. Try it -- hope that helps.

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:22 pm
by drop
i hope i'll also lose some weight because of braces :)

Re: Unexpected upsides to braces

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:17 am
by Green~Tara
I'm not losing - in fact I've gone up a few pounds. Eating more softer, starchier foods and less raw fruits and veggies which were my mainstay pre-braces.

I don't have a problem with tortilla chips, unfortunately. After the first two weeks of hellish pain I shovel them in just fine and dandy though it's not a pretty sight to behold!