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Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:56 pm
by Blackbeltfundraiser
By end of day, these brackets feel like razors on my gums/inside mouth. They are not too bad in the am and mid afternoon, but there seems to a point every afternoon where it feels like they are just shredding the insides of my mouth. What's this about? Am i not drinking enough water or something? Suggestions for managing discomfort - besides the wax and ambusol route?

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:55 am
by TumbleDryLow
During the day you are talking and eating; constantly abrading the inside of your mouth. It makes sense that after 8 hours of this, your mouth feels like it got into a fight with a cheese grater. Overnight your mouth is given a break and can heal a bit. You're already doing what there is to be done---wax. Staying hydrated is good. Brackets tend to abrade more if your mouth is dry. Don't worry. Your mouth will toughen up over time and eventually it won't feel like crap. Hang in there.

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:31 am
by Crazy4Snow
Yes...I know what you mean and agree with what Tumble says. Take wax with you and when the pain starts...apply wax. Wax has saved my life! My cheeks would be raw, I started using wax and those raw spots would heal and be "tough". Now I hardly have any problems at all and if I do i use wax on that spot for a few days to give it time to heal and then it's fine.

Hang in there.

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:53 am
by musicluver
Yep - they definitely were cutting up the back of my upper lip too. When I'm at work I am constantly talking and can get some really bad sores. I teach and have been pretty quiet all summer so I haven't used much wax at all. But I would recommend you pile it on them during the day when you know you will be talking a lot. Zilactin in also great for any sores you may incur. I have ceramic on my uppers and metal on the lowers and they can really cut up the bottom lip, too! This whole process is such a constant struggle for me - seems like each day a new sore area crops up :crazy: . Hang in there and good luck!

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:33 am
by BracedinBoston6432
This is why I decided on metal brackets.

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:54 am
by 44AndWired
Also, a warm salt water rinse will help to heal the sores. I am on day 3 of ceramic braces so trust me I know what you mean. I have been using wax since I got home day 1. I will definitely have to bye some more.

Re: Ceramic brackets feel like razors by end of day?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:22 pm
by chainreaction
I have ceramics on top ...for the first month I could not watch comedys because the laughing would cause my mouth so much pain...the things we learn with braces .... :(