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Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:19 pm
by sweetembraceable
I just got out a premolar (only needed one upper removed.) I am going to the ortho on Thursday to put in my archwire (Already have brackets.) Is that too soon? How long did, those of you who had your premolars out, wait?

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:25 pm
by TinkB
6 days and I had all 4 first premolars removed.

On day 5, I found out I had dry socket in one of my top extraction sites. I called the ortho's office to let them know because I was scared they would make me wait for my wires. Ortho said that if I was feeling up to added the archwires, she was fine too.

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:53 am
by Mauvaise
sweetembraceable wrote:I just got out a premolar (only needed one upper removed.) I am going to the ortho on Thursday to put in my archwire (Already have brackets.) Is that too soon? How long did, those of you who had your premolars out, wait?

I'm waiting two weeks. Had all four premolars removed (firsts on top, seconds on bottom) on 8/5, braces in two days.

My orthodontist office said that a lot of the time people do the extractions and install on the same day. :shock: I can't imagine that as I wouldn't want to deal with both kinds of pain at once, but apparently in terms of performing the actual work, there is no such thing as too soon.

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:12 pm
by sweetembraceable
I'm not in any pain, thankfully. And my Novocain lasted 5 hours (I had 4 shots to numb me.) So I'm okay. I just want to get my archwire and get started on my journey!

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:56 pm
by loradora
I had a lower front tooth removed and the wires were put on the following day. I was also anxious to get going.

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:55 pm
by CountessDeSangre
I got short wires first. then removed upper first premolars. two weeks later removed lower first premolars, one week later went to ortho and got long archwires that fit to my molar bands

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:19 pm
by lambchop
I had two top premolars removed and seven days later went in for braces. I had the impressions done on brace day, and the suction of the mold was a little rough when it was removed...there was some blood involved. (I felt bad for the young girl making the impressions.)I mentioned it to my ortho and he took a peek and thought the clot still looked good, so he went ahead and gave me a full mouth of metal! Impressions not withstanding, I can see not needing to wait long at all, especially since you already have your brackets...

Re: Braces 2 days after extraction

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:00 pm
by str8teethby30
I had a premolar removed the day that I got braces; they just didn't put a lot of pressure on that area, I think. No problems.