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Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:14 pm
by Huggypillow
Well i went back to the dentist yesterday and i had the braces put on my top teeth, ( had braces on the bottom for almost 3 months) he took off 4 brackets off the back teeth ( bottom) as he said these others would be stronger. they have tubes along the side. Top teeth done same thing the 2 very back molars are still naked as he said he can't reach them yet. I didn't realise how far back my teeth go. Im just glad i had my wisdom teeth out all those years ago.

So i have been officially entered into the world of pain, cant bite down, hard to talk because those tube things are digging chunks out of my cheeks i tried wax about 100 times but it just wont stick. i have had to manual toothbrush and mouthwash i just cant use floss the thought brings me to tears, i hope it will settle in the next day or so so i can floss ( i double flossed yesterday before going to my appointment)

does anyone wake up with their lips stuck to all this metal.

I just feel like crawling under a rock cuddling a bottle of mouthwash for a few days ( and a box of painkillers)

When will i get back to somewhat normal feeling

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:16 pm
by ashesgap
I had those back brackets put on a few months into treatment, and yeah they're a bit painful. Hurts doing almost anything. Salt water rinses help a lot, the mouthwash might just burn. And of course continue to take advil or something every four hours. Otherwise, just like the other brackets, you just have to adjust to them.

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:32 pm
by Crazy4Snow
I feel for ya, been there, done that. It will pass I promise patient. It took an entire week before the pain subsided to a tolerable level and even now I have "my days" but it's temporary.

Everytime you think you can't stand it anymore, just think of how beautiful your smile will be when it's all done.

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:56 pm
by Huggypillow
Thank you for your kind replies, gee i hope it passes soon.

i tried to eat a piece of boiled pasta, but after the tears subsided i decided perhaps not.

So to cheer myself up i started singing while waiting for the microwave to finish.

" jingle bells jingle bells i'm in so much pain, I can't believe i'm eating scrambelled eggs again".

I think this big baby needs to have a lay down for a while.

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:04 pm
by lambchop
"does anyone wake up with their lips stuck to all this metal?"

Funny, I've thought that to myself in the's like the inside of my mouth has fused to the metal or something overnight and I have to consciously un-pry my cheeks and lips from the brackets...a very strange sensation!

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:17 pm
by chainreaction
My inside of my lips are always stuck to the metal ..have to slowly wet my mouth with my tongue to remove them ....I guess I sleep with my mouth open and breathe thru my mouth ...pain in the butt I say ....But I have gotten used to it....

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:22 pm
by yoginbraces
Warm salt water rinses, warm salt water rinses, warm salt rinses!!!

Your cheeks, gums, and everything in between need to toughen up and the salt water rinses DO help. Wax has never worked for me so I don't bother anymore. Right now I am pain free but there have been two or three periods of time during this 15 month journey where I literally thought I was going to need to have the braces removed it was so painful. Believe me (and others) THE PAIN WILL GO AWAY. Hang in there AND rinse.

Re: Looking for some sympathy...

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:52 am
by bracketeer

It WILL get better...promise! Hang in there!