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Swelling between teeth

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:33 am
by sweetembraceable
I have noticed my gum is a little swollen between my left lateral and center incisor. Is there some sort of infection or is this just a passing thing? I brush 3 or more times a day. :?

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:33 am
by tackybrackets
Did you recently have a gap between those teeth and it closed up? that will cause irritation of the gum and its normal and should go away. Also when you brush your teeth do you brush really rough? if so id back off and brush more gently because the rough brushing can also cause that irrititation in the gum. if it doesnt go away id call your dentist (not ortho) and they can see if there is possible infection or concern. good luck!

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:53 am
by ArchWired28
It might be because of the movement. It should go away, but if not within 2 weeks and/or getting worse, ask someone to look at it.

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:17 pm
by DrJasonKTam
Brushing 3x a day may still allow for an infection to occur. Please make sure you floss between your teeth and up into the gums. Swollen gums is often the result of plaque or food stuck beneath the gumline, an area that cannot be cleaned by your toothbrush.

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:55 pm
by sweetembraceable
The center incisor is pushed out quite a bit due to thumb-sucking as child, so maybe it's being shifted back into line? It doesn't hurt or gotten worse, it just looks like the gum is lower in that corner.

It's so tight between those teeth, I have a lot of trouble flossing there and in other spots. :oops: All the more reason to have these braces! Thanks!

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:15 am
by bushbaby
I'm having the same problem and my ortho said its because I'm not flossing or brushing those areas well enough, so I am assuming its a minor infection of some sort. It doesn't really hurt but its a bit inconvenient.

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:16 am
by kellyb
i have this issue too. at my last adjustment my ortho told me to brush around the gumline abit more and if it bleeds, brush it even more. i have been doing that for the past couple of weeks and it seems to have improved alot.

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:39 am
by sirwired
sweetembraceable wrote:The center incisor is pushed out quite a bit due to thumb-sucking as child, so maybe it's being shifted back into line? It doesn't hurt or gotten worse, it just looks like the gum is lower in that corner.

It's so tight between those teeth, I have a lot of trouble flossing there and in other spots. :oops: All the more reason to have these braces! Thanks!
Try Glide Threader Floss if you aren't already using it. It slides between teeth much better than standard nylon floss.

Re: Swelling between teeth

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:49 am
by kellyb
i need to try the glide threader floss too. recently i bought some oral b superfloss and i am struggling to get it between some of my teeth. i used it twice and gave up so have gone back to the regular oral b essential floss.