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My lower wires keeping popping out

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:36 am
by HokieMom
Does anyone else have trouble with the wires popping out of brackets on your lower molars?

Re: My lower wires keeping popping out

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:08 am
by Snowglobe32
I had this problem before but I am missing a second molar so my wire was connected to my wisdom tooth. In my case, the wire wasn't sturdy enough so when I would chew, it would put pressure on the wire covering the space. It popped out several times which was annoyinng, they covered the space with rubber tubing. As I progressed to stronger wires, it hasn't happened since.

Are you newly braced?

Re: My lower wires keeping popping out

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:41 am
by HokieMom
Yes, I've only had my braces for 2 weeks. I'm getting a "lower lingual" put on in 2 weeks so they are trying to create space on the bottom molars to apply the metal band. So the wire skips that tooth on each side - giving more room for pressure on wire and therefore popping out.