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Forsus Springs: does anyone know what to expect?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:15 pm
by secretsmile
So I am getting the forsus springs in 3 weeks, 1 day! :twisted:

I've had braces and power chains since May, but am getting the forsus before the elastics - yup straight to the scariest rollercoaster at the theme park! :-**
I'm getting the forsus on my right side for a short time hopefully just a month or two, but for my left problem/cross bite side my ortho doesn't want to put an exact time specification but at least a few months. I'm a complex case so there's no way around the forsus. My ortho has been awesome at answering my zillion questions.... so i'm reassured thsi is the way to go...

Anyways if anyone has had this how long does it take to get used to it? Is eating a nightmare? Will I be able to talk normally?

Thank you :D

Re: Forsus Springs: does anyone know what to expect?

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:34 pm
by klobird
Hey secret-

Ya, I'm looking at possibly the Forsus too. I don't know. Before, it was a done deal, but having had elastics since day one and the amount of reduction in my overjet, the ortho told me at my last visit that I may not have to have the Forsus. But he told me not to take his word for it either. (My bucky beavers went from 10mm down to 4mm in 4 1/2 months!).

Ya, I've been afraid of it too. There are videos on youtube (a few) in which people tell how it is...Actually they are just fixed metal elastics--and right now my latex-free big elastics are a pain in the butt. I am continually forgetting to take them out. I have even started brushing my teeth with them in. And then I have to go right in after I eat (immediately) and brush and get the elastics back in. I'm thinking the Forsus might not be so bad. Then all the responsibility wouldn't lie
completely with me....

My ortho says that if I need it, just to try it and if it's not something I want to deal with, he will take it out. If I can even shave 2 days off my sentence, I will do what it takes...if those little kids can do just fine with the Herbst (which looks even worse!) for a year, then I can do the Forsus for 4-6 months...

We will get thru this, and it will be worth it!!