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Should I get insurance?
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:35 am
by Mdoodm1000
Ok so I'm 19, so I really don't have much knowledge of insurance or how it works, so if you could help me, I would really appreciate it. I'm currently trying to begin my journey to having straight teeth. I have had a cosult with an ortho and he told me I would probably need jaw surgery and braces. I have no insurance, so do you think it would be a good idea to get some? I've known people that have paid for braces all by themselves without insurance, so there must be a reason why they didn't get it. Are most adults not covered for braces? Thanks for any answers!
Re: Should I get insurance?
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:54 am
by ArchWired28
A few dental plans that I saw covered young adults up to 26 for braces, so you should be ok. But it is in Florida. Also, most of them have a lifetime orthodontia maximum of $1000-2000 depending on the state, which is relatively low but may be worth a shot.
Jaw surgery is a different piece of pie, no insurance will cover it unless your surgeon can convince them that it is medically necessary (as opposite to cosmetic). There are very stringent criteria, i.e. your speech and/or chewing or breathing must be impacted to the point when it is interfering with your life.
To sum it up, you have to really get all your options and info together and decide whether the benefit from insurance will be worth the hassle and payments. Every case is very different and there's no simple one-size-fits-all answer. Good luck!