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Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:34 am
by Cassandra
I'm new here, been looking at the forum the last few days in the run up to my appointment. My ortho recommended Damon3 for me partly as I have a narrow arch top & bottom, among other reasons. I went to the same ortho practice last year and saw a different man who said he wanted to take 1 tooth out at the bottom, which would leave me with a central bottom tooth as there would be an odd number. He told nobody ever looks at people's bottom teeth -but these are the ones people see when I speak! He was going to fit me with Inspire Ice. I wasn't keen on the idea of having a tooth taken out to leave an odd number, I was going to bring this up with him at the time, and if he didn't agree I wasn't going to go ahead.

I went back to the orthodontists' to apply for the loan to get the work done, but I was refused the credit :( This was a year ago and I'm REALLY hoping my application will be successful for the credit this time as I much prefer the new ortho! The new orthodontist says I won't need any teeth taken out, as I have 2 teeth missing at the top, which is a huge bonus. I understood him much better too.. he also said he would keep the quote I had last year for the Inspire Ice as it's cheaper than the Damon3 which I thought was great of him.

I'm going back to apply for the credit on Wednesday, I'm really hoping I get it otherwise I'm going to have to wait another 2 years to save up. I'm 33 now and desperate to find the confident 'me' that's been hiding behind my horrible teeth all this time!

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:40 pm
by Skylines
Good luck with the credit approval! I really hope you're approved! :) I just got my top braces on yesterday, so I'm pretty new to this too.
Lets hope this all works out for the best!

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:37 pm
by Sevilon
Good luck with the credit! But you know what- waiting 2 years is not the worst case scenario. Get it done when you can, and it will boost your confidence. I have had dentists talk to me about removing/filing down and capping teeth to make them appear straight. I would MUCH rather have my real teeth and put in the time to make them straight. Hang in there!

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:01 am
by Cassandra
Thanks :) I'm staying positive- if it doesn't happen this time, it will happen at some point. I believe everything happens for a reason & if the time isn't right then I just have to go with the flow :)

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:40 pm
by belistic10
goodluck i hope you can get the credit so you can start treatment very soon! maybe things are different where you are but here i am actually on a interest free payment plan through the orthodontic clinic, which is great since i dont have any extras cover to help me pay for it! (we are in south australia) just a thought, maye ring around just in case theres another option?

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:05 pm
by Cassandra
I didn't get the credit :( I went to the bank straight after to ask advice and they told me because I have a joint mortgage with 2 other people (my dad & my partner) that I would never be able to get any credit because they work it out as if I'm paying it ALL myself, which is ridiculous because I'm only paying 20% of it. Basically on paper it looks as though I pay more on my mortgage than I earn every month. I'm so gutted... but trying to stay positive. Just came back from holiday and my teeth look awful in the pics, I'm fighting hard to stay positive though.

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:57 pm
by kiwibug
I'm a newbie as well. Haven't ever been able to afford it, now finally made an appointment. Know it needs to be done, but I'm pretty nervous, don't do well with drs and dentists lol. Good luck with yours!

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:23 pm
by belistic10
oh that sucks!! :( i dont know if it will help but some orthodontists can do payment plans inhouse interest free (so no credit checks etc) My ortho is doing exactly that for me. I paid $350 aussie dollars up front and then make weekly or fortnightly repayments to them over a 30mth period (they were really nice and did it over a bit longer for us to make it abit more affordable) goodluck

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:57 am
by Cassandra
The credit was with the ortho, it's the only plan they offer. I got a letter from my credit card company saying they had made a mistake on my credit history, they had put that an item that had been paid as UNPAID and this was on my credit file. I called Experian and they said it was more likely that this was the cause of me being turned down rather than the mortgage. I've had this item cleared and I'm going to call the ortho to see if I can go apply again, hopefully they will let me as theirs is the only interest free credit I can hope to get. I'm really, really hoping I will be successful this time!

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:54 pm
by belistic10
hope you can reapply! goodluck

Re: Hello, newbie not yet braced

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:07 pm
by reynolk
I have my fingers crossed for you.