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Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower teet

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:39 pm
by PursueToTheEnd
The clashing between the upper and lower front teeth happened exactly immediately after the 2nd appointment in early 2010, and continues to this day. There's no other explanation for this except something has happened to the front teeth on that appointment; pulling the wires too hard. The yank I felt was so great I thought the dental assistant who was doing the wires might be doing this seriously wrong and I was worried that my teeth must have been pulled out by the roots somewhat. And then after the process was over I felt the clashing. Is it normal to feel such a great yank as to feel that it must have pulled the teeth upwards/outwards? The pulling too hard of the wires happened once or a few more times after this 2nd appointment by different dental assistant(s).

And after having the braces off, all 4 lower teeth are shaky (I can grab them individually and move them back and forth). And there is too much gap between the 4 lower teeth towards the bottom of the teeth—it was not like this before braces, which I think confirms that it has been pulled up (since the teeth gets narrower as it goes down, but that narrowing should be invisible, because it should be under the gums).

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:22 pm
by secretsmile
Unfortunately I can't comment on the after part as i'm not that far along yet... Though have read they will feel loose for a while until the bone has healed (a year I think).

But as for the yanking that sounds like almost every one of my adjustments... Insane pain and pushing on certain teeth and even a click one time... Sometimes I feel like my teeth are being extracted... My assistants pretty gentle, so ortho has to finish the adjustment and that's when it's painful. But I trust he knows how far he can push. The ortho said the extreme pain is normal due to teeth sensitivity. As adults our teeth have been in the same place so long, it makes it worse for us than kids whose teeth are used to moving.

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:40 pm
by belistic10
same here, too new to tell i am afraid. but i am not liking the sound of adjustments now :lol: my first adjustment isnt for 12 weeks :shock:

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:40 pm
by Maeraj
Eeeks! I haven't had any adjustments yet, just got braced 3 weeks ago---this makes me very nervous. If your teeth are wiggling you should probably see our dentist and not try to wiggle them.

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:13 pm
by Van'braces
I can't comment on whether your teeth were handled too roughly, but loose teeth are entirely normal, even for some months after having the braces removed. To move teeth the periodontal ligament holding the tooth in place is loosened, it takes a while to tighten up again once teeth are in their final location, hence your teeth will be loose, mine certainly are! If your Dr won't give you information on this process, there is a lot of information online, just search for it :)

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:33 pm
by PursueToTheEnd
Van'braces wrote:Hi,
I can't comment on whether your teeth were handled too roughly, but loose teeth are entirely normal, even for some months after having the braces removed. To move teeth the periodontal ligament holding the tooth in place is loosened, it takes a while to tighten up again once teeth are in their final location, hence your teeth will be loose, mine certainly are! If your Dr won't give you information on this process, there is a lot of information online, just search for it :)
Thank you very much. How much does it normally take for it to get hardened firmly in the gums?

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:43 pm
by tkna
Wow it happen since 2010. I remember when I had my first couple of adjustments my top and bottom front teeth were colliding but then it stopped b/c with braces the bite is always changing. But I wouldn't know how it feel after braces since I still have them. I read on the board and other sites that it normally takes a while for your teeth to be stable again after braces. How long have you had it off? If you are still concern I would try calling your ortho's office.

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:49 am
by PursueToTheEnd
tkna wrote:Wow it happen since 2010. I remember when I had my first couple of adjustments my top and bottom front teeth were colliding but then it stopped b/c with braces the bite is always changing. But I wouldn't know how it feel after braces since I still have them. I read on the board and other sites that it normally takes a while for your teeth to be stable again after braces. How long have you had it off? If you are still concern I would try calling your ortho's office.
I had it off for a month now and I told them about the problem of tooth clashing but he just shaved off a bit of my lower front teeth but it's still clashing and I'm guessing he'll try to shave it again. My teeth are short as is according to a professional positioner maker, but shaving it would cause even more shortness and I wouldn't be sure if that shaving just a little bit would solve the problem. Perhaps the tooth might be have to be shaven off half of it for there to be no clash but I think it's the wrong approach.

Re: Frightful yank by dental assistants causing shaky lower

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:11 pm
by Van'braces
Im not sure how long they take to tighten, but I would assume as long as you need to wear a retainer for full time? You should ask your Dr, Im sure they will make you feel a little more informed about your treatment...