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Self-ligating ceramics - what happens at adjustment?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:35 am
by SueAsh5
Can anyone tell me what to expect at my first adjustment next week? Is the wire changed? Removed so I can brush and floss? Is the wire tightened? There are no ligs to change so I´m just wondering what is done.

Re: Self-ligating ceramics - what happens at adjustment?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:51 am
by AM21
I would guess that your wires will be changed, and they will remove them so you can brush and floss your teeth. If your ortho gives you a new wire, it'll be a bit stiffer and it will have a tighter feeling to it. Since you have self ligs, they'll just open the doors on your brackets to remove/replace your wires. I would take an ibuprofen beforehand because you might feel some discomfort a few hours later. Good luck and keep us updated on how it goes! :)

Re: Self-ligating ceramics - what happens at adjustment?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:58 am
by Snowglobe32
Since this is your first adjustment, they will probably take a look in your mouth, ask if anything is bothering you or broken. They will poke around to see if anything is loose.

If your ortho decides your teeth are ready for a new wire, they will open up the doors on the brackets and remove the wire. My bottom, middle lower brackets, tend to stick but the process is fairly easy, quick and not painful.

Once the doors are open, you can then brush or floss (if you ortho allows it, mine requires it but from reading posts here, some ortho's don't offer this- ask anyway!). Then the new wire will go in, it is fairly easy, sometimes they pull the wire to the left or to the right.

If I remember correctly, I didn't get a new wire until my 2nd adjustment. It was a bit painful but I think it was due more to my assistant. OTC medicines help out.

Good Luck!

P.S. The best thing about SL ceramics, is that when the wires are out, you can see how your teeth have moved! It is amazing. I have ceramic on the top and metal on the bottom but ceramics are really cool since there isn't a metal square blocking the view!

Re: Self-ligating ceramics - what happens at adjustment?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:18 pm
by secretsmile
I have self-ligating ceramics...
I had both wires changed and new power chains at first adjustment. See my blog for more details, but apart from getting my forsus on my 5th adjustment, i've had at least one wire changed each adjustment. This past one they just clipped the ends of my wires as they were poking my cheek and changed my power chains and added the forsus spring. But everyone's different - good luck :)

Re: Self-ligating ceramics - what happens at adjustment?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:14 pm
by TMJJill
I got my Damon clear braces on August 30, 2011. I've only had one "adjustment" so far. At my visit, they opened the 'doors' on the brackets, removed the wire, had me brush and floss, had the dentist take a look at my progress and bite, replaced the same wire and then closed the 'doors' on the brackets. It was easy and painless. I'm hoping my future visits go as well.

Good luck.