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Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:04 am
by kiwibug
I'm still at the nervous, debating whether to make an appointment stage. I've been told for years that I need to see an orthodontist, but it wasn't something that could be afforded growing up.
I nearly took the plunge last time I saw the dentist. He wrote me a referral, but I was going overseas for 2 years shortly afterwards and it was pretty quickly decided that I was better off waiting until I was settled in 1 place before I considered starting any treatment.
I've been back home for a few months now and it's starting to nag at me that I really should make the appointment. After all the horror stories I've heard over the years though, I'm incredibly nervous! I don't generally do well with dentists anyway and the thought of orthodontic work is pretty terrifying.
Is it really as bad as all the stories that get told at school? What happens at the first appointment? Do I need to see my dentist again before I make an appointment with the orthodontist? Anyone that can shed some light on things for me, would be hugely appreciated!


Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:42 am
by msh
The first appointment should be a consultation so the orthodontist can discuss your options and answer any questions you have. Don't be afraid to express any fears that you have and hopefully the ortho will be able to make you feel more comfortable with getting orthodontic work. You don't have to make any decisions at the consultation; it is a way for you to get information.
Good luck!

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:47 pm
by kiwibug
Thanks msh. Just called them, can have an appointment either wednesday or otherwise not until mid december. Need to check my calendar but pretty tempted to wait until december instead

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:40 pm
by benj
Good luck Caroline! Making the the decision not to travel abroad for a few years so I could get braces was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but also one of the best. You need to be at a place in life where you can accept always having to be within two to six weeks away from your ortho's office at all times, and it can be really hard if you are an adult who want's to travel for work reasons or whatever. I just try to remind myself what a great asset perfect, healthy teeth are for a person who want's to travel the world a bit.

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:03 pm
by belistic10
i first had a consult just to discuss the options with them, they took some photos which was very easy and fast, they also did some xrays (this was all included in a free consult which was great) i then didnt end up going ahead because at the time they required a large deposit and then repayments and i just didnt have the money. 12 or so months later i enquired about payments etc & their system had changed and only a smaller deposit was needed, they kindly redid my xrays for nothing (well they wanted my business haha) and they made me a bit of a better payment plan that was a bit more affordable. So i have now had my damon clear upper braces on (only the top front 6 teeth) (the rest are damon metal). Some discomfort at this stage but honestly the end result i know is going to be worth it. To be able to smile confidently is well worth anything i have been through so far!! so really i say look at your options, be brave and go for it :) As far as i know the damon braces dont seem to need as frequent visits as some, my first adjustment isnt for another 11 weeks.

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:32 pm
by kiwibug
Thanks everyone. I've made an appointment for December 13. Still very nervous and gives me too much time to worry and psych myself up about it, but that's the biggest step done :) only been putting it off for 3 years lol.
Nice to hear something other than the horror stories I used to hear at school though!

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:34 pm
by belistic10
you'll be fine, taking the first steps are the hardest but once they are on you have no choice but to adjust and get ready to have a great smile! a week in and i am not regretting doing it at all, and i havent even seen any changes yet :lol:

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:13 pm
by reynolk
I am two weeks in, and I am honestly so glad that I made the decision to do it. The first couple of days were not great, but I got over it. So congrats on your December appointment, you'll have a new smile in no time at all.

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:52 am
by EbonyQ
Kiwibug: totally understand your anxiety (and the loooooong waiting!). If you have read my journal “Can I do this?” you will see that I’m in the same boat as you. I’m going to have my second appointment tomorrow to do some measurements, impressions and pictures, we are taking everything slowly. Still don’t think if I can do it, but with the support I get on this forum and my wonderful ortho I think there is a possibility even for me :wink:

There is no rush; you can do this in your own time. My ortho told me that we did not need to put the whole thing on my teeth right away, we could take some brackets or all of them one day, and then take the arch wire another day.
Maybe this could be something for you?

Find an ortho that you feel comfortable with and trust. That makes everything so much easier :D

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:06 am
by ArchWired28
EbonyQ wrote: My ortho told me that we did not need to put the whole thing on my teeth right away, we could take some brackets or all of them one day, and then take the arch wire another day.
I highly recommend against it. Brackets w/o an archwire could be more uncomfortable. If anything, put the tops first and the bottoms in 12 weeks or so. I think, that is the best they can do.

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:08 am
by kiwibug
Thanks everyone. I had a dentist appointment yesterday and he walked me through a lot of it. Made me feel a bit better.
There's only 1 ortho here, so can't pick and choose, but I've only heard good things about him. I think once I get started, I'll want it all done and over with as quick as possible lol. Rather have 1 really uncomfortable day than lots of them. Getting much closer now, a good 3 weeks away. We'll see how things go :)

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:09 pm
by EbonyQ
ArchWired28 wrote:
EbonyQ wrote: My ortho told me that we did not need to put the whole thing on my teeth right away, we could take some brackets or all of them one day, and then take the arch wire another day.
I highly recommend against it. Brackets w/o an archwire could be more uncomfortable. If anything, put the tops first and the bottoms in 12 weeks or so. I think, that is the best they can do.
It’s the pressure and the arch wire I’m nervous for. I’m not worried for the sore spots in my gum, I can manage that. I think that is why he suggested that :)

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:47 pm
by ArchWired28
I think this is just a little psychological trick he's playing to make you commit to braces :D The pressure is going to start at the time you get an archwire, regardless of whether it happens at the same time as brackets get installed or later. So really, I don't think you gain anything extra by separating those events. On the opposite note, brackets w/o an archwire are very-very uncomfortable, at least in my experience. In addition, you prolong your time in braces, since technically you are already wearing them, but no progress is being made. And lastly, you take one more trip to an ortho, that might not be a big deal but is time consuming.

As I have already said, the best thing you can do to ease the pressure is have tops (brackets + archwire) and bottoms installed at different times. This will make a difference, at least it did in my experience. Each arch was so painful by itself that I don't know how it would have been to handle them braced at the same time. This being said, there are people who had it done and doing great :lol: But if you are sensitive (like me LOL :mrgreen: ) I suggest you take this into account. Good luck!

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:30 am
by CountessDeSangre
You'll be fine, don't stress too much about it. The first appointment is merely a consultation. I don't know if every ortho does the consultation the same but I'll tell you how mine went.

My ortho met me, we introduced ourselves, she looked at my teeth, opened and closed. She placed her hands on either sides of my cheeks as I opened and closed my mouth. Took some measurements of how far forward my upper teeth were in comparison to my lower teeth. Basically spoke to me. Nothing scary happened (except for when she told me the total price of the braces haha!)

She was very nice and I liked her immediately and felt very comfortable with her so I didn't bother to shop around for another ortho. I made my appointment for my pictures and x-rays that very same day.

Let us know how your consultation goes. Remember we were all there at some point and the purpose of this site is to offer comfort to each other. We're here for you. :mrgreen:

Re: Nervous Newbie

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:35 am
by CountessDeSangre
EbonyQ wrote:
ArchWired28 wrote:
EbonyQ wrote: My ortho told me that we did not need to put the whole thing on my teeth right away, we could take some brackets or all of them one day, and then take the arch wire another day.
I highly recommend against it. Brackets w/o an archwire could be more uncomfortable. If anything, put the tops first and the bottoms in 12 weeks or so. I think, that is the best they can do.
It’s the pressure and the arch wire I’m nervous for. I’m not worried for the sore spots in my gum, I can manage that. I think that is why he suggested that :)
If it's the process of them actually putting the wire on you don't, it was painless. I walked in so terrified but it was nothing really. The "pain" starts after a few hours when you become a bit sore but whether you put on the wire the same day or you put it on another day it has to happen there's no avoiding it. Might as well do it the same day you get your brackets otherwise you're wasting your OWN time by having half the braces but no work is being done.