Sensitivity to glue removal

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Sensitivity to glue removal

#1 Post by christa »

Is anyone else sensitive to the drill that cleans the glue off your teeth? My ortho has had to reposition some brackets a couple of times and when they removed the glue I almost couldn't stand it. My teeth are SO sensitive. :( I am now dreading when my braces come off and they have to clean each and every tooth.

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Re: Sensitivity to glue removal

#2 Post by Huggypillow »

Sorry I don't mean any disrespect but I really don't want to know anything about this topic untillllll THAT day comes.

Having said that perhaps they will use a different tool the next time you have them off, im sure they have different bits for their drills,

Can I ask you a question most people think of the drill and it makes them break out in a sweat, maybe your mind made you feel it more from all the previous pre concieved ideas we already have.

For example I had so much dental work done as a kid sometimes without a shot, when I went to my dentist i had to have a small filling relpaced before braces and as soon as she picked up the drill I got this sharp pain down my side, I find it funny now but literally every time she came near my mouth this sharp pain would instantly appear.

I find things are extra sensative during that time of the month, also maybe take pain relief when your de brace day comes the take the edge off.

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Re: Sensitivity to glue removal

#3 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I also had brackets repositioned mid-braces and found it to be uncomfortable. If it makes you feel better, I think that process was actually more uncomfortable than the day all my brackets came off. IDK--maybe my teeth had settled by the end of treatment and were less wobbly and sensitive overall or maybe the excitement of getting my braces off overrode some of the sensitivity. Still, getting the glue removed wasn't a picnic, but they do try to make it as quick as possible. I started brushing with Sensodyne about a month before my braces were removed and I made sure to take two Advil a half hour before the debanding appointment. Those two things took the edge off. I also brought my iPod. I tried to focus on the music rather than what was going on in my mouth. But as I said, it's over fairly quickly so please don't dwell on this. You'll be so happy when your braces are removed that the removal process will soon be forgotten.

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Re: Sensitivity to glue removal

#4 Post by DesertCat »

I have a really sensitive tooth (it needs a root canal, and is sensitive to both cold and hot water/air and pressure, etc.) that had the button it presently has on the front fall off; had to be put back on, and the old glue had to go. It would not tolerate the drill (or whatever, exactly it's called), not sure if it was the vibrations from it, the cold air, or what.

My ortho was able to get the glue off with just the scraper/pick. It still hurt to get the glue off, but it was much better than the other. :) At least for my/this tooth--very probably not be the same for someone else, but that might be an idea.

So far this is the only tooth I've had glue removed from, though.

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