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Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:21 am
by maxhammer
Hey guys.

I've had four extractions (1st bicuspid) and moved my front teeth back about 3mm. I didn't like how far back it was going, so I told my ortho, and he said he could bring the back molars forward a few mm using TADS. Basically they lock the front teeth in a desired position, and allow us to pull forward the back teeth. This sounds good, but are there drawbacks?


1. By bringing back teeth forward, cheeks will loose support and sink in.
2. Bone loss in the back of the upper jaw after teeth move forward (i.e. the 2mm they move forward will leave "blank" jaw)
3. Improper occlusion/bite.
4. Stability (long-term)

My ortho told me I'd lose 2mm of bone in the back where the molars move from. Does anyone know how this affects asthetics, bite, etc? He said it's fairly routine and not something to worry about, but he is in the business of calming patients.

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:53 am
by kennyandrew85

I had similar concerns, I've also had extractions.
My ortho told me that by not using any power chains between the gaps that the movement should be about even between the back and front teeth and meet in the middle.

So far so good, but I haven't had TADS suggested to me. Currently in normal wires but with power chains on the front 6 to keep them from moving apart.

I have been told by him and a few other people that back teeth naturally want to come forward in our mouths. For example if you lost a tooth, the teeth behind it would slowly move to fill the space anyway.

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:12 pm
by maxhammer
Let me know what you find out in your research.

If I find anything I'll post it.

If anyone here has experience please share.

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:49 pm
by sharp
moral of the story

don't get extractions

i wish i knew this

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:52 am
by irwinfam
Sounds sort of like my case. I had 2 2nd premolars extracted to make room since I still have my 3rd molars. I was told at my next visit that they would band the bottom teeth and place tads on the top. I was just wondering if there was anyone that had tads placed and how the procedure went

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:42 pm
by maxhammer
Anyone else?
My main concern is cheek support etc. Does it get thin etc if you move an upper back molar forward about 1.5mm?

Re: Moving Back Teeth Forward

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:32 pm
by maxhammer
Dang, anyone know how this affects cheeks etc?

I'm having it done on Friday and would like to know if I'm making a mistake!