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Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:16 pm
by sirwired
Got braced today for the 2nd time. Boy was I glad to get the spacers out! One on the right side was jammed into my gum and that made the gums super-tender. (My teeth were ok.)

The whole process was a lot quicker than I remember 25-ish years ago. He started by placing the brackets on my 2nd molars by hand. This is when I find out my back-left-upper is tilted so much (those molars hadn't even come through yet last time) that the bracket (and any wire stub) is going to dig into the flesh covering a protrusion from my jaw, and there is nothing I can do about it besides wait for an ulcer to form and for it to heal. (To top it off, it's a real PITA to get wax jammed back there; took me about 10 minutes.)

After the brackets on the rear molars, the whole arch got placed at once. He tacked the brackets to my models, and then covered the models in clear wax, and then pulled this mold off, leaving the brackets embedded inside. All he had to do to place the arch was to dab glue on the back and press the whole mold onto my primed teeth. The assistant then cured the adhesive right through the wax.

Lastly, I got a couple of bands for a couple of molars that have side-fillings.

I went home with my goodie bag of 3 things of wax, a half-dozen proxabrush-like-things, some superfloss, glide, and floss threaders, trial-size ACT (with an expired coupon!) and of course the obligatory toothbrush and tiny tube of toothpaste. (As if I own no toothpaste already! :) Oh, and three bite wafers... why, oh why, did he have to have only bubblegum? *blech* I never liked any sweetened oral care products, even as a kid. I have always preferred mint or cinnamon.

I've already had my first meal; mashed potatoes, meatloaf, and a salad. Predictably the salad got wrapped around the braces, but other than that, it went fine.

Keeping up the Advil; not looking forward to tomorrow morning.

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:24 pm
by olsonkd
What are bite wafers? I am new to ortho stuff.

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:27 am
by sirwired
U-shaped rubber-ish things. If you feel soreness, you bite down on them to help relieve the pain.

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:31 am
by Bracer215
What kind of braces do you have? I was interested in the way you had the brackets put on with that waxed arch. Once they cured the brackets in place through the wax, did they remove the wax? Guess I am confused about what you had done.

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:59 am
by sirwired
They are just standard metal brackets. Yes, after the brackets were cured, they just peeled off the wax, leaving the braces securely bonded to the teeth.

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:38 pm
by prose
Merry Christmas to you! Keep the ibuprofen nearby to keep you smiling for all of those Christmas photos. Good luck to you!

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:22 am
by sirwired
Well, x-mas eve went fine. I only ate soft foods, and they were all tasty! None of my wife's homemade peanut brittle and none of my sister-in-law's "haystacks" (chinese fried noodles mixed with peanuts and dipped in butterscotch chocolate) :-((

Other than some sensitivity when brushing a couple of teeth, the tooth pain is negligible. My cheeks are of course a little scraped up, but a combination of wax, Rincinol, and RiteAid generic Gly-Oxide (10% Carbamide Peroxide drops), and things have been acceptable on that front.

The WaterPik (both my countertop model) and a "Electronics-brand-ending-in-sonic" portable model, are lifesavers! All the food bits wash into the sink instead of just getting redeposited. My brand new Oral B (with "Braces Essentials Kit"; two ortho heads for the tooth and two three-tuft pointy heads for under the wires) made brushing go quickly and well.

The only problem I'm having on the oral hygiene front is flossing. I simply cannot get my threader floss all the way to the back brackets; there just isn't any room to run it. Any ideas there, other than quality time with the WaterPik and hope that it won't get gingivitis?

Re: Got braced today... went okay I suppose.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:29 am
by Bracer215
Hi Sirwired
Thanks for the explanation of how your brackets were put on. That seems like a really nifty way to do it. I never heard of that before. Anybody else out there had brackets put on this way?? Is this a new way of doing it?