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Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:21 pm
by White Fang
Actually, wary of it at all.

At my last adjustment, my ortho told me to schedule a longer appointment next time so she could do some bonding on my front teeth. This was a casual remark and we had never discussed this before. I was not aware this was supposed to even be included in my treatment. I think she was surprised at my reaction of horror! I scheduled the appointment, but I am going to call her back and ask more questions.

Is this an aesthetic thing only or is it structurally helpful in some way for my teeth? Is this just something everyone does? Is it reversible?

My concerns are

Do not want to look like Gary Busey
Do not want first thing people see in my smile to be some fake veneer (even if you can't tell it's fake, I will know and hate it)
I drink coffee every day and am worried it will stain

Anyone had bonding done and care to comment?

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:00 pm
by ArchWired28
Are your front teeth chipped or gapped? I have never heard before that orthos do dental bonding, is yours also a general dentist? It is minimally invasive compared to crowns or veneers, but still some amount of enamel is removed. I don't think it will look aesthetically pleasing if you have it done and decide to remove later on. It also can stain or so they say, but I have bonding done on my lateral for close to 10 years and never had a problem.
Is bonding included in the price of braces or do you pay extra? If it is included, I would have asked more about it. However, if you have to pay extra, I would have postphoned it and had it done at your general dentist later on if he/she deems necessary.

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:42 am
by White Fang
Hi Archwired28 -- thanks for replying.

My top two front teeth are pretty badly worn along the bottom because my teeth were hitting each other before braces straightened them (a bit -- I still have a long way to go.) Also, my front right incisor has a seam across the middle where it got broken in two and glued back together long ago. The seam is chipping and I've been told after the braces I will need to get that tooth crowned. (So maybe bonding it now would be a waste?) You can see pics if you click on the link in my sig.

The bonding is included in my treatment which I have already paid in advance for. I guess I would be wasting my $ if I don't go for it. But it seems strange to me to do it now, before my teeth are in their final positions. And I really hate the idea of it. She said it was reversible, but that's contrary to the info I've been finding online. My ortho is NOT a general dentist in addition to being an ortho.

One option I might do. Since the incisor is getting crowned anyway probably and it's a dead tooth, have her just do that one as a test case and see how I feel about it.

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:58 am
by ashesgap
It does seem strange to do any bonding or reshaping before you're done with the braces.

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:35 am
by crooked rory
I was thinking that too. I want mine done at the end so they do not need to be modified again.

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:36 pm
by ArchWired28
I would wait until ready to be debraced before doing any restorative work. Even if you have paid for it, why not postphone it until later? The only reason I see to go for it now, is that one of your front teeth is shorter, maybe she needs the full length of it to align your bite. These are good questions to ask her prior to doing everything.

Re: Wary of proposed tooth bonding while in braces

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:40 pm
by White Fang
Hi all, thanks for your responses and thoughts.

I spoke to my ortho by phone today and she answered my questions as follows:

1. Would the bonding have a structural purpose beyond just aesthetics?

Yes, my front teeth have been shortened by hitting the bottom teeth, and bringing the front teeth back to their original length would have positive effects on my entire bite.

2. Would this bonding be reversible?


3. Would it cover my entire tooth like a veneer, or just the tips? If the latter, would the join be visible?

Just the tips would be covered, not the whole tooth. A line might be visible at the join but it would be barely perceptible.

4. Why do the bonding now before the teeth are in their final position?

These would be "temporary" bonds (temporary meaning a few years max) with the idea that I would be getting a permanent bonding done after treatment at my regular dentist. I do not have to get them now but her reasoning is that I would be getting an immediate positive improvement to my teeth while assisting the ortho to figure out where my bite is supposed to be if my teeth were full length and not ground down. Regardless of whether I get them now or not, she strongly recommends I get permanent bonds at the dentist post-treatment.

I don't know what to do. My skin crawls at the thought of fake stuff gunked on my front teeth (if this sounds over the top, it is -- this is a phobia) but she's saying I will have to do it later anyway.