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Help! NEED OPINIONS (pictures)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:28 pm
by mara0167
I wore braces for 9months but had them taken off because I had to move and wasn't sure that I wanted to continue treatment. Although my teeth are straighter, I still have a significant overbite and overjet and my new dentist thinks I need to get them again. I'm on the fence - especially about whether I want to go through this again, how long it will take, etc. Here are some pics.

Advice/opinions would be much appreciated (from docs as well)!








Re: Help! NEED OPINIONS (pictures)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:14 pm
by ArchWired28
You definitely have a class II bite (overbite). I am not sure if in your case this can be fixed non-extraction. Have you been adviced about whether you need extractions or not? How old are you? If under 19 or 20, you might still benefit from an expander or other functional appliance.
While having a class II bite won't kill you, it might cause TMJ problems in the future. I think your best bet is to get an orthodontic consult. If you don't like traditional braces, there might be other options for you, including invisalign and/or linguals. Good luck!

Re: Help! NEED OPINIONS (pictures)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:34 am
by sirwired
If it were my mouth, I'd go back into braces. If you didn't go through proper retention, it is likely much of the original work has been lost.

Go for a free consult with an ortho and see what he/she comes up with. However, before you actually pay for a new round of braces, think about why you got out of them the last time, and if you are going to feel that way again. If you don't "buy in" to your treatment plan, your compliance with treatment is likely to less than optimal.