Newbie from Ireland

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Location: Ireland

Newbie from Ireland

#1 Post by kit »

Hi everyone,

A newbie to this braces lark here from Ireland - anyone else about from there??

Well, I had my first consultation with the orthodontist on Monday, and due to go back in 2 weeks for moulds etc.... and am supposed to be making up my mind in between! Aaaaahhhh
Ive been thinking about this for years - Im 27 now, so I think if I dont go ahead with it now, maybe I never will, but its just so nerve wracking! :?

When the ortho said I was looking at 2 years with the metal braces, as the others wouldnt suit my teeth.... I instinctively thought Nooo, how will I cope for that long?? But then again, whats 2 years I suppose??

Was everyone else this apprehensive beforehand.... Im so afraid that something will go disastrously wrong and I'll be left with teeth even worse than before or something??

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Everyone can relate...

#2 Post by flowertowngal »

I think everyone here can probably relate to what you are feeling. I know I can! I made so many appts. with various dentists/orthos and then cancelled them. When I finally made up my mind that I was going to do this no matter what, I ended up choosing an ortho that strung me along for a whole year without doing anything! She sent me to various doctors, periodontists, etc..., which I guess I needed to do but every time I went in for a visit, I got more "consultation" about what she was "thinking" about doing - before I knew it, a year had gone by - another wasted year! In my heart of hearts though, I have to admit that I probably went along with all the delays happily because that meant I could justify waiting.

I finally changed orthos and he didn't wait at all! Said he would put the braces on at the next appt. I was shocked! And nervous! In fact, I was so nervous before my appt. to actually get these things on, I was shaking - not nervous about the actual procedure itself, but nervous about really and truly going ahead with it. It's been five months for me and all I can tell you is this -

Now, every single day, I could kick myself for not doing it sooner.

It is worth it, believe me.

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#3 Post by jaws »

I agree!

I'm 25 years old, and it took me YEARS to finally get these damn things on! I really wish I would have done it sooner. I also have metals on top and bottom because ceramics wouldn't do the trick for my teeth. I was SO nervous the day I went in to get everything done, I was shaking too. I will admit, having the braces has taken some getting used to (I've had them for 1 month now), but I'm so happy that I finally took the plunge and started doing something about my teeth!

Good luck!
Braces are Now Off!
Metal Braces Top and Bottom
Expanders Top and Bottom
April 11th 2005-June 27th 2006

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Joined: Wed May 11, 2005 4:29 am
Location: Ireland

#4 Post by kit »

Thanks so much for your posts! :D

its really encouraging to hear from people who've actually been there, done that IYKWIM

So did you have to get any teeth out beforehand? I will have to get 2 out , and Im not too bothered about the actual extraction of them, its more that one of them is on the top, the one next to my eye tooth (I think thats what its called) - the 3rd tooth in anyway, so Im going to have this big gap until the other tooth starts moving in... I'll be so attractive Im sure!

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Yes, I did

#5 Post by flowertowngal »

I had to have one tooth extracted but it was a bottom tooth. I could still see the gap, though, and frankly, I thought it looked awful - sorry, but I have to be honest! But my doctor put a fake tooth in the gap - it has an "official" name but I can't think of what it is. Anyway, that did the trick - it looked so much better. It looked just like my regular teeth and he attached it to the wire - then, every visit, my gap would be smaller and he would take the fake tooth out, file it down to make it smaller, and then put it back in. Finally, the gap got small enough that he said he was taking it out.

I don't know if this is a common thing but it really helped me. I still have a gap - its not completely closed yet - but its not too noticable.

Of course, now that I look obsessively at other people's teeth, I can see they have gaps too but I hadn't noticed them before. It's hard to remember sometimes when you're doing this that people really are not staring at your teeth even though you think they are - they have their own problems! LOL!

Good luck!

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Location: Dublin

#6 Post by Pablo »

Hi there , I'm in Dublin ! Had four teeth out , two wisdoms and two lower bicuspids .. All goin well so far , nearly two months gone alrready. At the start I thought the time was dragging by but now I don't know where it has gone .. First adjustment on the 23rd of May

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#7 Post by Evelyn »

Hi! About the missing tooth issue, I had my top left canine out for two years while I had my braces on, and I can honestly say that it's not that big of a deal. It never even occurred to me that it would look wierd with the space, I just kinda accepted that that's how it looked. I had a spring where the tooth was missing (covering the archwire) so that also helpedd to conceal it. In the long run, it's really no big deal-I really hope that you go ahead with the braces, trust me you will be soo happy that you did!As someone else said on this board-the two years are going to pass anyway, so instead of looking back at them and wishing you had changed your teeth, wouldn't it be nice to look back and say, wow I'm really proud of myself for going through with it, because they're off now and my teeth look GREAT!

good luck with everything, Eve
Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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#8 Post by blondie »

Hi! I guess I'm kind of in the same boat as you are! I havn't gotten braces on yet, next month, the 28th! But I have to get 4 teeth extracted, top and bottom bicuspids. That will be on June 17th. I also have to get metal braces on top and bottom. I just turned 27 last month and boy I wish I got braces sooner. I take evening classes at a business college here and I tried to imagine sitting in class tonight with braces on. I thought to myself I'm never going to be able to go throught with this. But this site gives so much encouargment I know it's the best thing you can do for yourself!

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Location: Ireland

#9 Post by Tommy »

Hi Kit,
Dont come on here so often anymore but nice to see another Irish person on the board! I would like to compare notes on your ortho/price/braces time etc...
I am 27 now and got braces last year. I have them on now for 16 months!! I am hoping to have them off for Xmas and it is looking good so far. I am in Galway and my braces cost 3500 with 530 for records and xrays. I originally had a consult in Dublin but he was charging me 5500 just for the braces!!
Fair play to you for taking the step. It is the best thing you will ever do for yourself. The 2 years will fly and after the first month or 2 you wont even notice the braces (and neither will anyone else).
Take it easy...

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Location: Ireland

#10 Post by kit »

Hi everyone

Thanks so much for the replies - this site is great!
I dont personally know anyone else who got braces at my age, so good to know there are so many out there...

I know in my head that I want to do this, and the sooner the better really.... or I'll spend another god knows how many years doing my head in thinking about it...
So a huge thanks to you all for all the encouragement, it really helps!


Im in Kildare, and have just had one appointment with my ortho so far. He was recommended by my dentist, and as hes just newly set up his practice in Kildare, there was practically no waiting list - Good for me, cos Ive less time to chicken out !! :lol:
He seemed nice and explained my teeth to me while I held a mirror in front of them - kinda like my worst nightmare, staring at my wonky teeth and having someone aactually pointing out everything thats wrong - great!!
He said I was looking at up to 2 years, and because of various problems with the way my teeth were the metal braces were the only option... oh and another 6mths continuous wear of a retainer, then intermittent wearing probably for life to keep them in line...
Price wise - he said about 4000, paid in istallments which is kinda what I had expected... plus another 100 for xrays/moulds etc..

So, how did you find them at first? Did you have problems talking?
Im a bit worried because Im looking for a job at the moment, and the thoughts of starting a new job, and not being able to talk properly are freaking me out a bit!!

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Location: Ireland

#11 Post by kit »

Hi everyone

Thanks so much for the replies - this site is great!
I dont personally know anyone else who got braces at my age, so good to know there are so many out there...

I know in my head that I want to do this, and the sooner the better really.... or I'll spend another god knows how many years doing my head in thinking about it...
So a huge thanks to you all for all the encouragement, it really helps!


Im in Kildare, and have just had one appointment with my ortho so far. He was recommended by my dentist, and as hes just newly set up his practice in Kildare, there was practically no waiting list - Good for me, cos Ive less time to chicken out !! :lol:
He seemed nice and explained my teeth to me while I held a mirror in front of them - kinda like my worst nightmare, staring at my wonky teeth and having someone aactually pointing out everything thats wrong - great!!
He said I was looking at up to 2 years, and because of various problems with the way my teeth were the metal braces were the only option... oh and another 6mths continuous wear of a retainer, then intermittent wearing probably for life to keep them in line...
Price wise - he said about 4000, paid in istallments which is kinda what I had expected... plus another 100 for xrays/moulds etc..

So, how did you find them at first? Did you have problems talking?
Im a bit worried because Im looking for a job at the moment, and the thoughts of starting a new job, and not being able to talk properly are freaking me out a bit!!

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Location: Ireland

#12 Post by Tommy »

Hi Kit,

The braces were a small bit hard to get used to but nothing major. You are very concious at the beginning but you get used to them very quickly. I was like you, in that it took me ages to gather the courage to even see an ortho. But I guarantee it will be the best thing you will ever do. And as they say - the sooner you get them on the sooner you get them off.
I also had an interview with braces on (they were on for 6 months at that stage though) and flew through it. I think if you are confident in the way you look this rubs off on others and they dont seem to care about the fact you have braces.

I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and hope it starts soon. As you can tell from this board nearly 100% of people have a good experience with their treatment.

Hope this helps and if you ever have any questions I would be delighted to answer them - Although I think nearly every conceivable question has been asked here before!!!

All the best,

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Location: Ireland

#13 Post by kit »

Well, here I am now, newly braced since last Thursday (20th October).

Had a little setback along the way in that the ortho found a cyst in my lower jaw bone/chin when he was taking x-rays, so then had to wait and arrange another appointment with a specialist to have that looked at - but thankfully its nothing major, apparently a lot of people get them, and they just heal in their own time. And by the time I saw the specialist, mine was already beginning to heal, so shouldnt cause any problems brace-wise!

Ok, I have damon-3's ( I think thats what they're called anyway - the brackets with a clear section on top, and metal on the bottom).
Have to say, they're not half as noticeable as I initially thought - i was pleasantly surprised - even the wire seems a lot thinner than I thought it would be.....
Only the top is braced so far and it will be another month or so until I get the bottom ones on..

Now, on to pain!!!!! :(
Of course, it wasnt sore actually getting the braces on, but it was only at lunch time that day when I went to bite into something I realised how sore my teeth were. BUT it was only if biting into something , so not too bad. Settled for a fruit smoothie for lunch instead!! :)
For the next 3 days or so, it was slightly painful, not too bad, just kind of a general ache - I did take some painkillers, mostly because I had headaches as well.
Now on day 6, and almost no pain. I find the mornings the worst - almost as if I must be biting my teeth together all night. But it wears off soon enough, and is not really disrupting to my life or anything.

So, all in all, Im delighted I finally took the step and got braced!!!! :D

Next appointment Nov 29th for my first tightening! I almost cant wait!!!

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