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How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:38 pm
by roxie2519
My Ortho.. put three extra small wires around three of my teeth , and then she twisted it. She claims that this will rotate my teeth. What do you call this ? :?: :Questions:

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:35 am
by tmroy79
I was wondering this my self. I have two molars that are almost sideways that need to be rotated. They haven't moved yet and I am two months in.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:08 am
by jem
I think rotation is achieved by judicious placing of the brackets and refined by use of rectangular profile archwires which fill the "lumen" in the bracket. I have a rotated canine which has seen no movement in 3 months. This may be partly due to the fact that I have a sectional brace and there was a bracket on only the adjoining lateral incisor. I have now had brackets added to the premolars and am hoping to see some untwisting of the canine even with a 0.014 wire. However, I expect I will need a thicker rectangular profile wire to complete the job.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:00 am
by ashesgap
roxie2519 wrote:My Ortho.. put three extra small wires around three of my teeth , and then she twisted it. She claims that this will rotate my teeth. What do you call this ? :?: :Questions:
I'm pretty sure those are wire ties, they are able to apply more consistent pressure, longer.
I had a premolar that was turned quite a bit and ended up with lingual buttons. One button on the back of the premolar, one on the first molar and a power chain connected to the two. The molar didn't budge while rotating the premolar. Orthos have all sorts of tricks to move and rotate stuff.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:51 pm
by roxie2519
my teeth looks like yours, I am worried because I've noticed a difference, my tooth moved too far forward, it stands out more.. I am not sure If this is the right thing, she is a Dentist, not an Ortho :|

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:41 pm
by bakejoy
roxie2519 wrote:
> my teeth looks like yours, I am worried because I've noticed a difference, my tooth
> moved too far forward, it stands out more.. I am not sure If this is the right thing,
> she is a Dentist, not an Ortho :|

roxie, you may want to seriously start looking for an Ortho. It can take years to undo/redo poorly done brace work. I'm not trying to insult your dentist, I'm sure she is great at the job she has, but Ortho's have years more of training in tooth and jaw movement.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:54 pm
by BBQ Grill
This was how my rotation went...1 month...nothing....2nd month nothing... 3 rd month nothing.... Than BAM! It moves on the 4 th month..

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:42 am
by GettingStraight
Same for me, except I had 10 months of very little movement before things moved in the 11th month.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:34 am
by lau
does anyone have before and after pictures of a rotated tooth?

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:26 am
by jem

I hope I will have in a few months time!


Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:25 pm
by Zaera
Like ashesgap, my orthodontist is using lingual buttons to rotate a few of my bottom teeth. Two adjustments ago, they glued a button to the back of one of my teeth, similar to how they put the brackets on in the beginning. They then put an elastic on it and then tied the elastic to the archwire with what looks like a metal ligature. It's designed to rotate the tooth in the direction of the metal ligature (whichever side of the tooth it is tied to because it pulls on the elastic). At my most recent adjustment, they added a button and the same configuration to the tooth next to it, removed the ligature and elastic from the previous tooth, but unfortunately left the button in place.

So far I'm not a big fan of this rotation process. It has been the most painful part of having my braces thus far. The rotated teeth become extremely sensitive and there is obviously a lot of pressure on the teeth next to them. The buttons also tend to tear up the tip of my tongue and I had to learn to speak carefully once I had them.

I do have pictures of the buttons after both adjustments and the before/after positioning for the first tooth they rotated. I'll see about uploading them sometime soon.

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:27 pm
by musiclady2340
Not sure how it works, but it does for me. Had one bottom tooth to be rotated and it now is. It wasn't quite in the correct place but moving forward with a new bracket and hooking into the main brace wires got it in place. I am 2 years into treatment and have learned to trust the experts. There is no way to tell how long something may take. different for each person. Just keep believing. :tingrin:

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:56 am
by lau
Hey everyone- went for an adjustment yesterday and she put the flexible wire on all my teeth behind my archwire (so there are two now) and she twisted it. Ay how it hurts! @>@ but she says its to rotate my tilted teeth. I am on my way finally!

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:31 am
by roxie2519
Thanks guys,looks like is working !

Re: How does rotating the teeth really work?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:08 pm
by lau
Roxie- can you post a picture? When did you see movement?