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Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by ashenk224
I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this, but I started taking pictures every few days just to see if I made any progress so far. I'm thrilled to see that my teeth are already moving! It's not a huge difference, but you can see the difference in the size of the gap. In both photos I'm biting down on my bite turbos. First one is from today (day 12), second one is from day 4.


Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:46 pm
by wildpig
Might have to draw circles. I am having trouble seeing the differences ;) Actually your teeth look fairly good to start with, at least from these pics. How long do you have to have these on?

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:46 pm
by BBQ Grill
I see movement on the left side of the pic....but r u sure Ur not biting extra hard on that side? LOL

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:26 pm
by ashenk224
haha. No I'm not biting extra hard. perhaps these two pictures would help (hopefully). The first is day one, the 2nd is one I just took.


the gap where my left lateral incisor is rotated is getting smaller (not by much but I notice it!)

my right lateral incisor has moved down a bit (the archwire is straighter)

I thought I was crazy at first, but after taking many photos I think I'm not haha.

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:31 pm
by ashenk224
Oh and I'm supposed to wear them 26 months... I thought that was kind of long. My ortho said that my top teeth should be aligned in 6-8 months and I don't remember what she said about the bottom. I think she said a year. She also said that after about a year to a year and a half she is going to file down my two front teeth to make them look more proportioned to the rest of my teeth. I had a bad dentist who just filed my two front teeth down after I chipped them and now they look triangular. I assume the lengthy time is because of my overbite? They did say I had to wear by bite turbos about a year.

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:35 pm
by BBQ Grill
Your two front teeth looks fine but what do I know. Most definitely your wire got straighter... So there has to be some movement. 26 months?.... Eeeek... It took me 7 months to get to where Ur at and I was quoted at 24 months i got 17 more months to go... I say urs gonna take around 17 months. Maybe even faster

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:34 am
by ashenk224
I noticed what she meant about my front teeth only because they've been bothering me since my old dentist shaved them down. They used to be quite a bit longer. 17 months would be fantastic! I hope I could have them done in that time too :) I know they're waiting to bracket my lower left canine because I have a recessed gum line on that tooth and the ortho said if they try to move it too soon, I could lose the tooth. They shaved down some of my teeth to make room and once the room is there, they're going to bracket my canine. Not sure when exactly that's going to happen. They put a power chain on the teeth they shaved down and my second molar, so I'm hoping by the time I go in for my first adjustment (June 6th) they'll be able to put a bracket on it. But perhaps that ordeal is what's adding treatment time.

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:39 am
by BetsyBug
Your teeth look alot like mine do except my lateral incisors on the top are turned in behind my centerals instead of turned out. I have had my braces now for about 5 weeks and I'm seeing some changes but mostly leveling those laterals are going to be bugger to move I think. They have been super sore but they just are resisting turning. When i think about how they move teeth they tip first and then they move the roots to meet up, those teeth need to rotate so they have to move all at once, no tipping really so i think they will be the last to get to where they are going.
I'm sure you are seeing some movement, and pretty soon you will see that those molars will be getting closer together. I didn't think mine would but they are moving and now i have two teeth that collide that didn't before.....
Good luck!!!

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:56 pm
by brucebadonde
Ouch! 26 months?
I've got an eight tooth brace on the top only - for nine months. I only have a problem with my top front 4 - the right main incisor mainly which is pressed back in.
I took a bite into some plasticine before they were fitted and kept it. It seems a good way to measure progress.

Re: Photos - Day 4 and Day 12.. Slight Progress!!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:47 pm
by ashenk224
Yeah 26 months sucks. I remember when I was around 12 and went to the ortho they told me 24 months. I was hoping after 14 years technology would have shortened that time frame, but oh well. I can only hope my teeth move fairly quickly and knock some time off of that :-/