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Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:57 am
by bijou22
Hi there,

I got my braces on a week ago - they are upper and lower metal braces, self-ligating brackets with ultra light force wires.

What I wasn't expecting was the intense mouth pain due to cuts! I expected tooth and muscle aches of course but I also feel like my mouth (which is very small) is a medieval torture chamber! It's really cut up and I need to keep it fully lined with wax 24/7. I can't sleep at night because the pain is so bad.

How long will it take for my mouth to adapt?

Any tips or information you have is greatly appreciated!

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:21 am
by BellaBraces
Everyone is different so it is hard to say how long it will take your mouth to adapt. However I am completely sure things will improve.

In the meantime you can take painkillers, rinse your mouth with cooled boiled water with salt added, look for a medicated mouthwash or look for the gel used to treat mouth ulcers.

Keep your mouth as still as you can to reduce rub. You may find it easier to keep on a diet of soft foods for a while as the action of chewing rubs on the brackets and will increase soreness.

Hang in there.

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:15 pm
by bijou22
Thanks so much for the reply...was very low and in a lot of pain, desperate to get some idea if this is normal. Great suggestions!

Appreciated :)

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:29 am
by lau
hey Bijou22-
Like everyone says IT WILL GET BETTER, and you will get used to having the braces. For me i think after 1 month, it didnt hurt anymore. the flexible wire (not sure in self litigating) is the only one who cut my cheek. after month 4 i went to a thicker wire and it never pinched again.

The only thing that hurts now (i am on month 7) is when you get the adjustment - which was yesterday for me - it hurts for 2 days. Impatience is what gets to me not pain, and the rest is easy. Good luck with your journey! !

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:16 pm
by bijou22
Thank you pocketlint and lau!

Your suggestions, information and support are so helpful to me - I really appreciate your taking the time to respond to my post.

And I'm slowly starting to see the upsides to these braces - I've never been able to fully justify quite this much Haagen Dazs in my diet before :)

Wish you well in your journeys too!


Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:56 am
by juliebraces
I'm getting the ceramic brackets. Does anyone know if those hurt worse or about the same as the metal ones. I'm not really sure about any differences other than the looks obviously.

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:47 am
by kitsune
juliebraces wrote:I'm getting the ceramic brackets. Does anyone know if those hurt worse or about the same as the metal ones. I'm not really sure about any differences other than the looks obviously.
Ceramic brackets are generally larger than metal brackets, and in my experience, the edges are scratchier. Despite these factors, I usually end up needing more wax to deal with my metal brackets rather than my ceramics...

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:59 am
by brucebadonde
As per above post I have found ceramic brackets quite nasty too. I was surprised at how "scratchy" they were. As an engineer to trade I think they are very poorly made and designed, although it is probably a factor of the material.

Anyway, I find the scratchiness improves over time, definitely first three weeks are the worst. After that you will still need wax but less and less as time continues. Your innside lip/cheek is "said" to toughen up but I think it is mental toughenening up too.

All the best.

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:44 pm
by Georgina A
I got my metal braces on yesterday, and all I can say is alieve, anbesol, and tons of wax. I already have cuts on my cheeks, and extremely sore teeth. I can barely eat anything except bananas, but I'm hoping all the pain gets easier, but the anbesol, though temporary, is a lifesaver! Good luck!!

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:24 pm
by zdenka
kitsune wrote:
juliebraces wrote:I'm getting the ceramic brackets. Does anyone know if those hurt worse or about the same as the metal ones. I'm not really sure about any differences other than the looks obviously.
Ceramic brackets are generally larger than metal brackets, and in my experience, the edges are scratchier. Despite these factors, I usually end up needing more wax to deal with my metal brackets rather than my ceramics...
Same here. They are a little thicker and stick out more but give me less trouble than the metal ones. To be completely honest it has been 4 worry free weeks for me so far. I really cannot complain. Just a slight sore here and there.

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:52 pm
by starfish88
Thants good to hear...I'm a little bit worried when I hear the horror stories baout braces!

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:41 pm
by Georgina A
starfish88 wrote:Thants good to hear...I'm a little bit worried when I hear the horror stories baout braces!
As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain!" The pain won't be permanent but your perfect smile will be once those braces are off! Whether it be pain, insecurity of the look of braces, or anxiety of the process, none of these excuses are good enough to get the confident smile you've always wanted. That is, if you want it that bad... :tingrin:

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:42 pm
by Angel269
I got my ceramics today. At first I couldn't get used to how big they felt in my mouth! I've had lots of pressure but can deal with that but as the day has gone on I have found that my cheeks towards the corners of my mouth just feel raw and tender :-( My silicone wax was reluctant to stay on and I have tried warm salty water but felt no relief :-(

Re: Full Metal Bracket Nightmare

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:00 pm
by Lillypad
I have ceramic uppers and metal lowers. The pressure doesn't bother me however, like you stated the gashes and raw cheeks is the pits! I have had mine for 12 days and I must say that after day 8 I was a million times better in the sore mouth department! Hang tough, it WILL get better!