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My braces weight loss story

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 9:38 am
by eric1122
When I started my braces at the end of january of this year. I really was happy it was going to fix my crossbite of my teeth, and being in braces at 30. I thought I would see if I could loss some weight from all the food and drink I know I would have to give up. I stopped drinking all pop, juice, and avoided all the foods you are not supposed to eat with braces, and took up yoga as well. At 6'2" my starting weight getting braces was around 230, and now I am at 208 pounds. Does anyone else have similar weight loss stories from having braces?

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:07 am
by Sita
I have lost about four kilos so far. The main reason for it is not snacking in between meals as much as I used to since I'm too lazy to go and brush my teeth again.

Heh, laziness leading to weight loss. :-)

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:06 am
by Ellebraced
Congrats on the weight loss, that's a great accomplishment!!

I thought I would have the same weight loss because at first It was hard to eat but I have actually gained a couple pounds because I find it hard to eat the foods I did before braces, including my favorite protein bars and granola bars. I also find it gross to eat salads with braces lol. Though I had lost a lot of weight before starting my braces. I think my braces has made me a little depressed, I love the results but felt very self conscious the first year.

Maybe if I could give up the diet coke and vodka........... no that's just silly!!

I think retainers will be more of a deterrent from snacking because I will not want to take them out to rinse them in public or even at home constantly.

Keep up the good work!! :thumbsup:

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:40 am
by NickelNikki
Congratulations! I've lost 7 pounds due to not snacking as much inbetween meals. I'm very tall and was only 10 stone anyway so I'm happy with only losing a little bit :lol:

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:31 am
by AquarianDragon
I've lost about 10 pounds. There are times I just don't wanna eat because of how food feels in my mouth or I don't want to deal with hygiene after. However, I'd probably lose more if I stopped eating the "off-limits" foods, haha!

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 6:02 am
by smartygirl
i lost about 25 lbs at the beginning, although some of that has come off. because of a bit adjustment, my teeth didn't meet at the beginning, and i couldn't eat anything that wasn't liqued basically - even mushy things like baked beans was impossible. i was drinking bodybuilder protein shakes and losing weight. not in a good though - i think i looked a bit alarmingly gaunt (esp because the shape of your face changes too with a bite adjustment i guess) based on the reactions i got from people...

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:41 am
by eric1122
Most of my weight has come off in the face and around my stomach, which always seems to be the hardest to lose. But my family, friends, and co workers have all noticed the weight I have lost.

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:56 am
by Darrinoc
When I first got my braces, I had a spacer added to a tooth so I would not bite and break into a bracket. Lost about 20lbs in less
than 2 months. It was not a good look as I dropped near 145lbs at 5'9". Things improved once my bite shifted, yet even after a year, I haven't gained back the weight. Seemed to have lost the passion of eating. Especially when it's a food that's hard to clean.

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:43 am
by brucebadonde
I've had a top brace for 9 weeks. I was around 188 lbs when I started and now I am 182 lbs. At 5'10.5" this is the lightest I have been since 2006.
I think it is slight stress which has made me eat a lot less although I am also in the process of cutting down on beers!

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:49 pm
by OldBikerBag
The artificial sweeteners in diet beverages contribute to weight gain and water retention. On the face of that statement, it doesn't seem to make sense.

Aspartame acts like salt in your blood, making you thirsty. 75% of US residents are chronically dehydrated. After the body has been dehydrated for a while, it changes the thirst reflex to hunger and people eat more. Additionally, my own personal, unscientific theory is that aspartame is an appetite booster. Many friends of mine switched to diet drinks in an effort to lose weight, with paradoxical results. They ate far more food than they did when drinking the high fructose corn syrup laden, all around unhealthy sodas. A few switched back to regular soft drinks and lost weight.

My own conclusion is to drink fully sugared junk if I must, but stick mainly to water and black coffee. For the record, I could afford to drop about 10 pounds/4.5 kg (who couldn't) but overall, I'm not in bad shape....for an old bag. I'm 5'4"/1.62 m, 140 pounds/64 kg, strongly muscled.

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:55 am
by Snowglobe32
One of the best parts of having braces for me was a 25-30lb weight loss! I lost it all in the first 3-4 months. And I have kept it off and then some! :dance:

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:26 pm
by yogapaws
Namaste & Congratulations on starting yoga.

I have practiced for a long time & it has really helped me with the orthodontics...

Four months in and I have similar story to the rest- 5'6'',was size 6-8. now size 6 is way large. Never weigh myself but guess at least 10 lbs came off in the first month. I am trying to add more "good" fats to my food, like avocado and olive oil to try to gain a little back.

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:17 pm
by xanidu2012
I got braced up on 5/8/2012. Weight was 195 pounds. At the 2 week mark 5/22/2012 I've lost 15 pounds. Believe me I was not trying to lose weight even though maybe I should have been but I think its just because I can't really eat like I used to. I was a junk food person (pretzels, candy, potato chips, popcorn) Can't eat that now :) Yogapaws gave some good ideas for making food appetizing and filling at the same time. My mom and friends noticed the weight loss. They actually said I look better. Wow :o Wonder how much I will have lost by the time 24 months have gone by :D Probably have to look for me using a microscope :D

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:57 pm
by Mylene
One month in and about 4-5 pounds lighter - mostly because I don't snack anymore, and my teeth are so sore I don't really feel like eating. For a couple of weeks I was mostly on vegetable juices and smoothies, which is great for detox and the vitamins help gums rebuild, which they're constantly doing during orthodontic treatment. As far as food goes now, I eat soft stuff, which includes pasta, so I have to be careful, pasta is a quick way to gain weight.

Re: My braces weight loss story

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:34 pm
by staje
I'm at about 31/2 months and I've lost about 15 pounds, in addition to braces I have an expander and it can make eating unpleasant so I have to be careful about what I eat. I also eat much more slowly now than I used to and I think that has helped.