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Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 10:55 pm
by Mdoodm1000
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted here. I'm finally done turning my expander after I maxed out 2 of them. My ortho said that I spent more time in an expander than anyone he knew. Braces are finally on, and I opted for the clear ceramic. From what I've heard and what the assistants/ortho told me, I would feel extreme pressure/discomfort on my teeth the first week. The girl sitting beside me in the room told me she has had braces for months and still couldn't eat solid food. I have felt no pressure whatsoever; My teeth feel exactly the same except for the brackets cutting up my lips of course. I can still eat the crunchiest of foods with no problem. I'm just wondering if this is something to be worried about? Maybe they put the wire in wrong or something? It is extremely thin.. Thanks in advance!

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:01 pm
by bracesagain2
Hi - I think when I first got my braces on, I thought I would feel a lot of pressure and pain. But I actually didn't, which I was quite surprised. It was more weird having those brackets in my mouth so it was uncomfortable in that way. And I felt like I couldn't close my mouth completely.

So I think it should be ok if there's no pressure yet - in a way it's good there's no pain. You'll feel the pressure when you get your adjustments.

All the best to you!

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:51 am
by GillyWeed
I am in exactly the same boat as you! I got my upper braces placed on May 9th and I haven't felt any pain whatsoever! The only pain I've experienced is the shredding of my cheeks due to the brackets :? My Ortho told me to expect quite a bit of soreness the day after they were placed but nothing. Maybe we just have super strong mouths...?

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:33 am
by jem
I have had virtually no pain or pressure in the 4 1/2 months I have had my brace. I got a new thicker wire at my adjustment on Monday and a powerchain on my 2 central teeth. The only tenderness I have felt has been as a result of the powerchain closing the gap between my central incisors overnight.

Braces are only supposed to apply light pressure to move teeth and most people experience little or no pain or tenderness except for a short time when their braces are first put on or after an adjustment. For quite a (lucky) few of us there is little pain even at those times.

Good luck with your treatment


Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:09 am
by brace36
omg, have just posted something similar! i'm only on day 2 but my dentist told me to expect lots of pain in 6 hours and 15 hours in i feel fine. ok the brackets are cutting a bit and its uncomfortable but no pressure yet and no pain in teeth. Im happy but was also scared that they didnt put it on right. I'm too scared to eat at the moment but too excited to eat too if that makes sense? please lt us know how you get on. I put vaseline all over my lips and inner lips and slept like a log!

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:57 pm
by Mdoodm1000
Thanks guys! Here's to hoping we all just have tough mouths :D I'd hate for us to go back in a month and have them say "oops, we messed up here" and have a month wasted. Most of us are already a lot older than the average person in braces, so we want them off ASAP. Good luck everyone and I'll keep you posted!

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:07 pm
by Ellebraced
Hi newbies

No worries, just because you don't have pain doesn't mean they are not working. Everyone is different. I have had very little pain for the last 17 months, worst pain was my spacers, not so much as pain as just hard to chew. Sometimes out of no where you will have a toothache feeling or pain but it goes away. Or its just a tight feeling for a couple days. Things are changing all the time.

Good luck!! Take lots of pics, changes happen so quickly!

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:55 am
by Darrinoc
When my braces were first placed in didn't feel much pressure either. Once I have my first adjustment that totally changed. Had much more pain and headaches.
Hope it goes better for you guys.

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:36 am
by batwing
I'm on day two and no pain yet. I have my bottom wire on, but won't get the top wire for two weeks. I have clarity brackets on top, bands on my molars, metal on the bottom with one spring, surgical hooks everywhere, and one bracket on the back of an incisor.

I took a precautionary Aleve before I was braced yesterday and haven't needed any since. I feel pressure when I eat, some sinus pressure, but that's about it. I was just telling a friend of mine how the pressure on my bottom teeth almost feels... I guess good? My bite has been so messed up for so long that it's almost like when you work out really hard and then get a really rough massage, that's the only way I can think to explain it.

I'm sure it'll be a different story when I get an adjustment or my wires changed :shock:

Re: Day 4 in braces..feel no pressure on teeth?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:07 am
by xanidu2012
I was braced up on 5/8/12 and exactly 6 hours later I was ready to pull my face off :cry: It felt like I had a drummer playing in my mouth nonstop; and it lasted for 4 days. I was taking aleve, motrin, advil anything I could get hands on but after the 4-5th day pain subsided. I do get occasional flare-ups (pain) but I know its the teeth shifting around. I do expect to be back in same boat on 6/19/12 for 1st adjustment. :lol: So for the moment I can actually :)