Hello! First Post and First Day Wearing My Brace! Advice!?

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Hello! First Post and First Day Wearing My Brace! Advice!?

#1 Post by Gemzi3 »

Hello, just found this forum on google and you seem like a friendly bunch :)

So I'll keep it basic, my top teeth, especially my front two are squint (want to post a pic but not sure how) and ive researched braces and now am the owner of my new Invisalign.

So, I have a few questions and hoping for some advice.

1)When they say wear for 16-20 hours a day, this confuses me, does that mean 00.00 - 24.00?
Like for example, say on Monday I slept for 8 hours wearing them, then wear them 8 hours during the day

2)How should the bar at the back of the front teeth feel? I dont ever feel like it would fall out, but should the bar be pushed to the top, or just tucked behind my front teeth

3)Do you brush your teeth after everything you eat before you reapply your braces?

4)How do you clean them?

Obviously ive had them a few hours, speech is very very hard, can anyone tell me from first hand experiance if it gets better?

Thanks guys,

Gem x

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Re: Hello! First Post and First Day Wearing My Brace! Advice

#2 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

1. That means within the 24 hour period of a day.

2. Behind your teeth in the middle.

3. I would if its something removable yes.

4. DO NOT use hot water. It warps it and makes it fit imporpperly.
Jenn Medeiros

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