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Braces on front 6 teeth

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:55 am
by Harassment Panda
After being referred to a dental school it's come to that I will be having braces on my front six upper teeth. Has anyone had this done before? I believe he said I could go for a fixed brace behind my teeth although it doesn't even bother me if I have braces on show or not.

Re: Braces on front 6 teeth

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:02 am
by BellaBraces
I am having Six Month Smiles top and bottom. The braces go round slightly further than just the front 6 teeth, but they only aim to move the teeth most visible when you smile.

Re: Braces on front 6 teeth

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:55 pm
by jem
Hi HP,

My ortho calls this a sectional brace. I originally had ( Damon clear) brackets just on my 6 front teeth. I now have them on my front 8 teeth as my twisted left canine was not moving and my ortho felt that adding brackets to my premolars would provide additional help.

My estimated treatment time is 6-9 months but I think it is likely to be at least 9 months.

Please let me know if you need any more information.


Re: Braces on front 6 teeth

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:09 am
by brucebadonde

I got a brace fitted to front 8 teeth on March 20th 2012.
This is to correct alignment of my front four teeth. The most annoying brackets for me are on the two canines, so I think brackets on 6 teeth will be much the same as mine. Est time is 9 months for me too.


Re: Braces on front 6 teeth

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:22 pm
by margarets
I have braces on my top six front teeth. I'm a relapse case, and fortunately those are the only teeth that moved enough to be worth bothering with. I was told 6-12 months, depending on how things go, so I'm assuming 9.