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Braces off early

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:48 pm
by london2012
Hey guys, I'm new to this site, but I have a metal mouth situation, and was looking for some good advice! I'm sixteen years old, and have had braces for over a year now. I never really had horribly crooked teeth, but there were some ones that needed straightening. The main reason I had them put on was to correct an overbite. In the past year, my teeth have been completely straightened out, and the overbite has improved dramatically. I'm in the phase of my treatment where the orthodontist is about to install "springs", which will drastically improve the overbite. He says I have around 6-9 more months of treatment left. He also says that he can never completely cure the overbite, but he can "improve it". My question is, if my teeth are straight, and they line up when i bite down with my jaw forward, what is the point of pursuing this any further? The ortho said it himself; he can never completely cure the overbite. I am thrilled with the results so far, I love my teeth now, and don't really bind the overbite. In fact, I have never been a fan of "the perfect bite", in my opinion, it looks a bit artificial. Is it possible to ask the ortho to take off the braces now, and have him make me retainers so the teeth stay straight? Are there any real serious health risks in doing so? My parents are all for this, they are sick of paying the bills, and they don't really like my orthodontist. I am for this too, i am tired of my teeth hurting all the time. I want to mke sure I make the right ecision though, and wanted some advice before I make one! Thank you!

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:25 pm
by catgyrl
Here's a link to a thread I posted recently regarding the same topic: ... 13&t=42035

I, too, was sick of my braces, and was ready to have them taken off after 2 years. But I was just told by my ortho that taking them off when I wanted, in July, would be premature. After a lot of thought, I agree with him. I've spent almost $6,000 for these things, so I want them to look as good as they can, without having to resort to surgery. He's sometimes a sarcastic, pain-in-the-butt, but he's absolutely right. :D

It's kind of sad to hear you say your parents are sick of making the payments. Did they actually say that, or is that just the feeling you get? As an old fart (me!) in braces, my advice would be to stick it out and wait the 6-9 months. That way, your teeth will be done and you won't have to worry about them when you're older.

Good luck to you!

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:45 pm
by london2012
Thanks so much for the response! It's cool to know someone wanted them off early too.. and yes, my parents are thoroughly sick of it all: a couple of times the secretary at my ortho has misplaced the check that my mom sent in, and accused her of not paying. I understand your point of waiting until perfection, but the thing is the ortho will never reach the point of perfection in my case, and I guess I just don't see the point if there are no health concerns and I am happy with my teeth.

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:01 pm
by catgyrl
I don't think there is such a thing as "perfection". I didn't start out with perfect teeth, so I know I will never end up with perfect teeth. My mom said a funny thing the other day. I told her my ortho was a perfectionist, and that's why he wouldn't take them off yet. She told me, "Tell him when the rest of you is perfect, you can go for perfect teeth." :lol:

I also thought I was happy with mine on an aesthetic/looks basis, but he said he was also fixing it so I would have full chewing function with my front teeth.

As far as your payments go, were you quoted a flat rate, with monthly payments? If so, I'm not sure he would take them off until you're all paid up. Might want to check on that, too.

If I were you (and this is just my opinion), I would stick it out. You're so young. It's best to get this done right the first time, so you're not 44 (like me, YIKES!) with braces. :D

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:25 am
by brucebadonde
I think, because you are happy with the results so far, and if your parents are agreed, you should insist your Orthodontist winds up the treatment. Although he/she is looking after you and your teeth first, he/she is also a business trying to make money and has an interest in keeping the treatment going.
A year is a long time to be braced and I am sure most of the benefits have already been realised.
Your Orthodontist is in no position to insist you carry on treatment if you and your parents have decided you are now happy with your teeth and don't want more time wasted - so tell them asap!

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:22 am
by nifer237
Don't they keep braces on after your teeth are straightened to set the bone and the roots? My teeth have been in the final phase now for about 4 months, but they're not coming off until August. I've had the same wire, but I was under the impression they were setting the roots so that they don't move again when they come off. (With the help of a retainer).

I didn't know we had a choice of when to take them off. I'm just sucking it up for the time being, it actually went really quickly. And yes, I hate the payments too! $200 a month, but only 2 months left!

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:59 am
by catgyrl
nifer237 is right - your teeth have to "set" before they can take the braces off. My ortho told me last week (when I asked that they be taken off in July), "Well, it doesn't exactly work like that. You have to prepare for them to be taken off."

And whether you want them off or not, you will still have to finish making your payments until you're all paid off, so you might as well keep them on. Orthodontists don't want or need to keep you as a patient any longer than necessary. If you're still sitting in their chair, that's one less new patient they could be seeing. A year really isn't a long time, if you think about the fact that most of us are in braces for at least 2 years or longer.

Overall, it is your decision.

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 11:30 am
by brucebadonde
catgyrl wrote:you will still have to finish making your payments until you're all paid off
I concur with this statement! I think "winding up" treatment means they put on a different type of wire which holds the teeth for 90 days so they "set". So if you and your Orthodontist are happy with results it still takes 90 days to end the treatment.

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 12:48 pm
by catgyrl
brucebadonde wrote:
catgyrl wrote:you will still have to finish making your payments until you're all paid off
I concur with this statement! I think "winding up" treatment means they put on a different type of wire which holds the teeth for 90 days so they "set". So if you and your Orthodontist are happy with results it still takes 90 days to end the treatment.
This is not necessarily true. I've been in the same "final" wire for about a year now; with the ortho making various bends and "tweaks" in it. Just because your treatment MAY end in 90 days, doesn't mean that your payments will end, too. My payments were prorated over a 24-month period. So, if I had been lucky and had them off earlier than that, I would still have to pay them off. So, the logic of getting them off early to avoid making payments makes no sense.

I would suggest that OP have a heart-to-heart talk with the ortho and work things out. If the ortho agrees to wind things up, GREAT! You'll be one of the lucky ones. :D

Re: Braces off early

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:00 pm
by Ellebraced
As a second timer (who stopped wearing retainers) I am not sure if my overbite was really corrected properly the first time. I started with a 10mm overbite and it is down to maybe 1mm or so. I am very happy I went for treatment again and to correct my overbite as best as possible (without surgery). I think my profile looks improved and I am able to bite into things better. Before I found it hard to bite into say an onion ring (it wouldn't break off) or sushi. It was really weird, so nice to have a great bite now that is functional. Also even just taking my asthma inhaler I am able to close my mouth better. Believe me it sounds like a funny thing but being able to close your mouth all the way without it feeling awkward is a really nice feeling. I couldn't close it easily with an overbite.

Good luck, I know the process sucks but your are really close to having a better smile and you might regret it down the road if you don't fix it.

Many of us get sick of our braces, I have wanted mine off a million times but 17 months really did go by quickly. The results will be worth it