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Braces at age 32

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:03 am
by AltoRose
Hi all! I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself quickly. I'm scheduled to get my braces on in two weeks. This is my second go-round. I had braces when I was a kid and enjoyed straight teeth for a while...but I stopped wearing my retainer and then my wisdom teeth came in all crooked. My new treatment is to correct severe crowding on my bottom row and an overjet/minor crowding on top. I also have to have all of my wisdom teeth out...yikes! I'm really nervous but I'm looking forward to correcting my smile. I've been putting off getting braces for a while, but my husband and I are trying to start a family, so it's now or never. (Once we have kids I'll never be able to justify the cost!)

And now a question: What do you think is the single most important thing for an adult with braces to know?

Re: Braces at age 32

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:39 am
by Ellebraced
Welcome, I too started this journey at 32 for the 2nd time. Only a couple months to go.

Single most important thing to know for me......... JUST BE YOURSELF, they are just braces, sure you might feel awkward like I did but that should not change how you feel about yourself or how you live your life the next couple years. It is all worth it to have a perfect smile again. That's one thing I would have changed from the beginning, just to embrace the experience and not let it define me

Good Luck

Oh and this website is the best, any time you have questions or just need to complain or be happy this is the place for great people that are very supportive

Re: Braces at age 32

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:53 pm
by senate
I'm 32 and I had my braces this past january. I have clear braces and they are very discreet. You will probably only notice them when I laugh. It really does not appear to have been a big deal to anyone I know or have met other than when they ask how much it has cost - (UK £3400).

Just a few things I noticed this time around as like yourself I had braces I think when I was 14. I never experienced pain 5hrs after like my ortho said I would or indeed the following morning after I had them first in. However the strength of my jaw just dropped and I lost a lot of weight the first six weeks so I think that will be the most significant thing that might affect you initially. Whatever you're own experience you will notice various changes monthly and here they're are people at all stages so its a good forum for advice and support : ) Good luck okay!

Re: Braces at age 32

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 2:02 pm
by AltoRose
I am TOTALLY fine with weight loss being my first significant change, lol. Talk about unexpected bonuses!

Re: Braces at age 32

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:37 pm
by Georgina A
I am 28 and jusy got mine on yesterday. I was nervous about getting them at such a late age, but I've decided to wear them with pride. I went metal, and I'm not thinking about the now. I'm thinking about how great I'll feel when I get them off and have a beautiful, straight smile. Just do it and go with it. It doesn't matter what people think, and your friends and family won't think any less of you because you got braces on. Just do it and know that it'll pay off on the long run! Good luck!!

Re: Braces at age 32

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:45 am
by kellyb
Hey all,

I am also 32 years old and started my journey 07th Jan 2012. For the first week I lost a little bit of weight but it did not last lol.

I would say the single most important thing an adult in braces should know is that your braces is just a big deal to you. It might be the topic of discussion amongst your colleagues for like 10 mins but after that, it's business as usual. So, if you are worried about what others will think, you need not even think about it.