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Braces applied at 28!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:26 pm
by Georgina A
Hello all! My name is Georgina and I am 28 years old. I got my braces applied yesterday. The problem I have is severe crowding on my upper and lower teeth along with a crossbite. The crowding on my upper teeth makesmy canines look like vampire fangs, and because I have an extra incisor on my lower jaw, it's just a mess. I have to get one removed to make everything fit correctly. I was really hoping to get ceramic braces because being 28 years old I wanted this to be the least noticeable as possible, however, I could not afford the extra thousand dollars for them. So I decided to suck up my pride and go metal. I'm looking at it like this: I will have these braces for two- two and a half years, but after I get them off I will have something for the rest of my life I have never had before; A confident smile. My parents could not afford to get me me braces when I was a kid. I have never been able to smile withut feeling self conscience, and either smile with my mouth shut or, smile so that my fangs wouldn't show. It has always been really upsetting. I remember in high school somebody telling me I have vampire fangs, and it really hits hard when you're constantly thinking about your teeth and hating the way they look. Before I got them on, I told everyone, "I'm gonna rock my braces!" I am really surprised,they don't look bad at all! The pain sucks, but as the saying goes, "no pain, no gain!" Anybody who is looking to get this done,I would advise to definitely do it. Because I have gonesince fourth grade not liking my teeth, and I know that in the long run, it's gonna be so worth it! And when I get married in two years after I get them off, I am gonna smile the biggest smile ever and make sure I get many close up pictures of my perfectly straight teeth. And the best thing about this right now, is that my fiance thinks I look beautiful with a mouth full of metal. Fixing my teeth is one the best decisions I have decided to do for myself. And I am definitely "Rocking my braces!"

Re: Braces applied at 28!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:35 pm
by xanidu2012
Welcome Georgina Congrats on your braces :jump:

Re: Braces applied at 28!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:37 pm
by GillyWeed
Hi Georgina :-1

It's so refreshing to hear someone who is embracing their braces. A positive attitude will make the journey go by that much faster. Do you have traditional metal or SL brackets, because with the traditional you can always play around with colours (which is exactly what i'm doing lol).

Here's wishing you the best of luck on your journey and Congrats on being engaged :heart:

Re: Braces applied at 28!

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:19 pm
by Georgina A
Thanks for all your kind words :) I have traditional metal, and I am also playing around with colors. I got light blue just as a tester to see how it looks and next time I'm going with hot pink! I am also getting my expander put in on July 31st, so I'm a little excited to see how that is going to start changing my smile. I know it's only the second day, but I can't wait to start seeing changes!

Re: Braces applied at 28!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:15 am
by thunderbolt
Congrats Georgina! I got mine on my 28th birthday!! :)