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What to expect with an expander

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:10 pm
by Georgina A
I am 28 and just got my braces on yesterday. I have normal metal braces and I am getting an expander put in on July 31st. I have to get spacers put in a week beforehand, and I hated spacers because I had them put in 2 weeks before I had my braces applied. So, I know what to expect with the spacers, but can anybody give me an idea of what to expect when I get my expander put on It's going on my upper pallet. I just wanna know things like: How long will I have a lisp? Will there be a lot of pain? Is it hard to eat with? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

-Georgina :pinkbraces:

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:43 pm
by Georgina A
I guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself... :(

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:21 pm
by klobird
Don't get discouraged Georgina--actually adults and expanders is usually a pretty hot topic on this website.

I haven't had an expander--but don't worry there will be some who will respond to your post. Sure wish I could be of help!!

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:30 am
by kiele88
Hi Georgina,
I hope I can help you out a bit...I had both an upper and lower expander last year (I am an adult too;). The upper was removable, the bottom was cemented. It did take some getting used to...the worst part for me was feeling all the bulkiness in my mouth and retraining my mouth to speak without too much of a lisp. If I remember correctly, maybe it took up to two weeks before I felt like my speech got back to "mostly normal". I dont remember it being incredibly was definitely uncomfortable, and you will need to have some soft foods for those first few days, and then thereafter each time after you expand the appliance. Over time, you will get used to it...and I think it may have been a little more challenging having both an upper and lower expander, as opposed to just the upper, so it may even be easier for you! :-D

One word of caution, they can be a pain to clean around though, and make sure you have some wax for any pokey bits until your mouth roughs up a bit. Have a lot of toothbrushes on hand since the expander is rather hard on them.

On a positive note, I am incredibly happy with the results of my sentence began in March last year and ended in November. I have been in clear aligners since March and have been smiling (teeth showing!) in photographs for the first time since 8th grade. Hope this helps you out!!

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:32 am
by kiele88
And one more thing Georgina, you will have some extra saliva at the beginning. I wasn't warned about it, and it caught me off guard. I was later told it was because there was "foreign" objects with all the equipment in my mouth and it was my bodies way of getting used to it. That too, will go away! ;)

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:28 am
by Noni
Im wearing Qaud helix expander for 3 months now on my upper Jaw , I would say that it was quit hard for me to adjust specially for the first 6 weeks . I hated the expander , and hated to talk :FeelSick:

My tongue was sore at the beginning specially when I wake up , I tend to push the expander with my tongue while sleeping and used to wake up every while because of the sourness I felt on my tongue.

With time it gets better and better . Speaking is totally back to normal ; my lisp continuos until the week #7 or 8 ! Trying to speak slowly helped me so much.
I think it was hard for people on the phone to understand me at that time it was so funny the way I spell some letters.

You will be able to adjust your tongue movement while eating and speaking just don't worry it's not that bad , I expected it to be too way worse than it is .

Now I just can't feel it's there anymore while I'm eating , foods get stuck there some times though , but cleaning is not hard. I used to ask my ortho when to remove it but after the second month I just starting not to care about it

Good luck , let us know if you need to know anything else .

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:24 am
by AquarianDragon
I've been wearing a removable palatal expander for almost 8 weeks.

My speaking has more or less gone back to normal (or perhaps found a new normal). The lisp has gone away; however, I do hiss with my 's' sounds. Some patients at work seem to have trouble understanding me (because they're older or English is not their 1st language). Once in the early days, I had to go remove the expander because I wasn't being understood. Of course, if you're going to have a fixed expander, this won't be an option.

I still have drool moments (kinda embarrassing, but no one has said anything... other than my husband, of course).

I take out and clean my expander everytime I brush my teeth.

Basically, after the initial adjustment period, things are (almost) back to normal... a new normal.

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:39 pm
by ellieb
[quote="Georgina A"]I am 28 and just got my braces on yesterday. I have normal metal braces and I am getting an expander put in on July 31st. I have to get spacers put in a week beforehand, and I hated spacers because I had them put in 2 weeks before I had my braces applied. So, I know what to expect with the spacers, but can anybody give me an idea of what to expect when I get my expander put on It's going on my upper pallet. I just wanna know things like: How long will I have a lisp? Will there be a lot of pain? Is it hard to eat with? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

-Georgina :pinkbraces:[/quote]
Hi, have had an upper expander for 11 days. It is removable, but I try to wear it all the time. My speech was a mess the first two days. It's pretty good now but I do have problems with the S, especially in ST or TS combos. Eating was very frustrating at first. It never hurt, just so many things I couldn't manage. I have a loop sitting behind my front teeth so I can't quite bite into anything. It all has to be cut up. And the clasps interfere with my chewing surface a bit so anything very fibrous is out. I'd plan on soft foods and tiny bites the first few days, and gradually work your way up. I am improving fast though, can eat fruit, cereal, managed a burrito (no lettuce!).

I had some discomfort the first couple of days from tongue pokes and scrapes but now I have no problems with that. I am still very self-conscious talking to people, and hope my speech continues improving. Because I am asymmetrical there are some wires not quite touching the teeth on one side and I hope once they get flush against the teeth they won't seem in the way of my speaking so much.

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:38 am
by LadyJennifer
Sorry I'm a newbie, but what is an expander and what does it do? If it expands the palate, as the name suggests, how does that work with a no-longer-growing adult?

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:08 am
by stellakay
Hi! I'm 22 and just had my expander taken out. Honestly, it's the toughest part of braces. Definately tested my patience. Cheese and breads are hard to eat. You'll get used to it. At first, I couldn't sleep because it was so obtrusive. It hurt my tongue, caused it to actually bleed, but I put half a pack of wax on it just so it would stay on there. It took a couple of months to sleep well and to be able to eat.

Your mouth will feel HUGE when it gets taken out. It's such a relief. Sometimes, when I'm tired, I forget that it's not there anymore.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer :(
The good news is that it doesn't last long, and it's totally worth it!!!

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:00 pm
by ellieb
I just had mine adjusted at the orthodontist yesterday. There are different kinds and I do not have any acrylic on the roof of my mouth and there are no screws to turn, just wire with clasps and loops. It is now up against all my teeth and it is much easier to speak with now, and it has been easy to eat everything for about a week now. I had it for 4 weeks tomorrow, I believe. When I speak really carefully, I can sometimes eliminate the lisp, so I think I will be able to get rid of it eventually.

Someone asked, you can't actually expand jaws in adults without surgery, but the arch itself can be affected, it depends on the individual. I can breathe through my nose now and I never could before, so it is definitely having some kind of effect on something besides JUST my teeth.

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:15 am
by Noni
When are you supposed to have your expander removed !!!

I am still wearing the expander

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:31 am
by ellieb

It depends on how much expansion is happening, probably. I had 11 weeks of active expansion and now I am supposed to wear it for three more weeks for retention, while we wait for the next appliance, which will also have retention for my expansion built in. So I had minimal expansion and will have some kind of expansion thing in there for at least 9 months.

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:38 am
by redwine
I will be having SARPE and expander late December, so I am glad to see these posts. I have to talk on the phoe a lot, so after surgery (and healing), I am planning to practice speaking before I go back to work. I had to relearn how to pronounce certain words with the just the lower braces on, so I expect the additional metal is going to be a challenge. My current plan is to recite "Jabberwocky" at least twice a day as soon as I feel up to talking. And thanks to this board, I will remember to have plenty of slobber towels on hand! (I have a St Bernard & a Newfoundland, so I'm quite familiar with slobber towels!)

Re: What to expect with an expander

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:00 am
by ellieb
Good luck! I'm at a point with mine that I don't think anybody can tell I'm wearing it, except I had some IPR and in the right angle with the right light you can see a little metal behind the gaps, which are small. If I over-try, that's when I lisp now. But if I relax and don't worry about it, I sound normal. It's been awhile since anyone has asked me to repeat myself. If you have problems at first when you talk on the phone, you can just say something like, "Sorry, I'm talking a bit funny, had some major oral surgery," and then you're covered. As for talking in person, if you have visible braces or wires or something, then anyone with an ounce of sense should be able to figure out that you're having some sort of orthodontic treatment that's interfering with your speech.