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Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will hurt

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:46 pm
by spudly
:-(( it has only been 3 days I know I know
Every post I read say that it takes a while :-((

The brackets don't hurt at all but how is it possible that my tounge and cheeks will get used to these really sharp wires and HUGE hooks ? How long does it normally take :?: days weeks months ....

Maybe if I prepared myself for a time in mind it would help me stay positive :Questions:

At comments , support, anything ,,, I can't stand the idea of waking up again tomorrow feeling like I slept with a cutlery draw in my mouth :roll:

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:29 am
by batwing
It took about a week for me. Days 2 and 3 I had to use the most wax on my bands, and I had one day about three weeks in where I had a lot of movement and had to add wax on one of my front brackets that kept catching my lip.

Hang in there! I have days where I forget I have them, you'll get there soon too.

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:15 am
by nikkibabie19
If the pain is too much you can always use a painkiller...My pain wasnt that bad after the 2nd day.
It just use to hurt when i ate (chew)...but other than that no pain to talk about.

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:12 am
by AM21
It took about a week for me as well. Wax was my bestfriend until my mouth toughened up a bit. Glob wax on the bands and hooks that are causing you the most pain. It might not seem like it right now but you will forget about your braces in time.

Even after having braces for a while, I still have moments when I have to bring the wax back out, to cover a bracket or wire that's irritating my cheek.

Just hang in there, things will get better. =]

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:46 pm
by spudly
:flowerbloom: thank you all for your words of encouragement and support
It seems hard to imagine that the sharp wires will stop hurting so much

I have got better at putting on the way so it stays put for the day :D just as well as I am paranoid about it falling off and me choking on it !

What am I like eh,
I am still so pleased I took the plunge and just need to get through this !

First day at work tomorrow :paperbag:

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:28 pm
by AltoRose
Mine took just over a week before they stopped hurting. I remember thinking it would never get better, because it hurt to chew SO much and I was going through so much wax. Eventually, though, your mouth just toughens up. I'm at two weeks tomorrow and I've gotten so used to them that I almost forget they're there.

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:51 am
by bravesweety
I've had my upper damon clear braces for almost 3 weeks. In about a week I found the hooks and brackets stopped hurting me. I tried to only use the wax when it hurt, so that my mouth would toughen up. I got my molar bands a week after I got my brackets and wire. I found that molar band more uncomfortable than the actual brackets. I did a lot of research to see if it was normal for the bands to cause pain. My tongue was really irritated by the cleats on the band and I thought it would never get better, but after 4 or 5 days I noticed that I wasn't having any pain and didn't really notice the cleats anymore. Hope you are getting used to the hooks. Just think about what your teeth will look like and remember that it does get better :)

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:50 am
by BracedInNOLA
If you're using enough wax that you think it might be a choking hazard, I think you may be using too much wax on each bracket. It should definitely be smaller than most multi-vitamin pills that you swallow.

Mine didn't hurt for too long - and I resisted using wax initially so things would 'toughen up' - but every once in a while the back ones irritate my cheek in such a way that wax for a day or so is a god-send.

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:57 pm
by spudly
Thank you all for your advice and support, It is now 5 days and a tiny bit better. I do have to still use wax but I will try to use less as you suggested. This could help with the chipmunk look :|
I am counting the sleeps now thinking when I get to two weeks it will be LOADS better ! Gotta think positive right !

Still can't actually believe the SIZE of the hooks !!

Well first day at work and my close colleagues said "let's have a look" I found it better just to show them and get it over with ! And even pro actively showed it to others

I find it a tiny bit hard to talk from time to time but think this is because it is sore and meeting after meeting of talking makes it sorer ... Is that a word !

I am still a little apprehensive if how I will be when the tops get done but really excited how it will start to look ...

I really enjoy looking at your stories and photos ... I have tried to load mine but it is notan easy task
Will persevere as they helped me so much I want to help others


Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:31 am
by spudly
Just a quick update folks !
LOADS better today ! whoo hooo

the body is an amazing thing eh ! to get used to the stuff we throw at it

now I just have to work out how to do the photo's so I can share with you all my progress !

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:44 am
by starfish88
Glad its feeling better. Its given me hope that I won't be in pain forever! Plus I agree with the proactivly showing people at work so they can dicuss it for 2 minutes then forget theres anything different about your teeth. It worked especially well for me as I work with little kids and they were all really curious but after they had seen them once they didn't care. Can't wait to see pictures

Re: Plleeasse tell me how long these bands & hooks on will h

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:06 pm
by spudly
:huh: today I had salmon and rice and NO ....NO need for wax all day !!