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Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:55 am
by Bionicbigmouth
Hey all! :)

Hope you are all well and your braces aren't causing you too much hassle! :)

Right...this has most probably been asked before...buuuuuuuuuuut...what would you recommend as useful accessories for brace care? I'm going shopping and putting together my home/work survival kits, so a little help would be gratefully appreciated...even if its pointing me in the direction of the most probably extensive list that has already been created! Lol!

Ta much very! :)

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:37 am
by Elegra

Not sure if you're male or female, but either way, you'll need some kind of small make-up/wash bag to carry your bits and bobs around to use in the bathroom at work/while on the move etc.

A really good electric toothbrush is invaluable, yes at first you'll be scared to use it on the braces but after a while you'll get used it. Until you have confidence with an electric brush you can use a little regular one.

I like Oral B Pro toothpaste.

Small bottles of mouthwash.

Interdental brushes (little brushes that you can use instead of floss - depending on how big the gaps are between your teeth).

A hand mirror (or several in all bags!)

Hmm, think that's all I had but am sure others' will add more items!

Good luck :D

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:54 am
by luchababe
Breath strips are good instead of gum or mints. I've given up both. One in case it sticks everywhere and the other because they're hard and I don't want to pop open a bracket. Better safe than sorry! Also don't forget the floss and ask for the floss threaders if they don't give you any.

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:22 am
by kreyFL

WaterPik is awesome
Floss with built in threader
Extra wax

On the Go/Cars:
Disposable travel toothbrush (To bring with you into restaurants, etc)
Toothpicks (Cheaper and just as good as those funny brace cleaner doo dads)
Extra wax

I initially bought a bunch of stuff I didnt need or use. After almost 2 years in braces this is all I find that I need. Wax everywhere is mandatory. If you find you need it one day and don't have it - life is miserable.

I change out my cheapie disposable brushes every few weeks.

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:43 am
by Bionicbigmouth
Thanks guys! :)

I got:

Oral B super floss
More wax
New toothpaste
Non alcoholic mouthwash
Childrens toothbrushes
Interdental brushes
Lip balm



So excited to try that one!

I have so many little mirrors and travel bags so I can get together and handbag kit for when I'm out and about or at the office!

Thanks again for all your suggestions! :)

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:51 am
by kreyFL
LOL sounds like you are good to go! I <3 my waterpik too.


Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:11 pm
by AltoRose
That Water Pik is going to be your best friend. I got mine about five days after I got my braces on and it's just blasts all those tiny food particles out of the crevices between my teeth and brackets!

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:22 pm
I am so glad you posted this topic bc I will be getting my braces on July 12th and wanted to make sure I had everything that day. Also you can go on a website that's mentioned on here and they have nice things like a little travel kit you can take with you places. You should check out the website. The waterpik is also listed on that site. I am getting the travel kit to bring to work with me on the nights I work!

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:31 pm
by AquarianDragon
I purchased the dentakit which I carry around everywhere. I also have a make-up bag at work with toothbrush, toothpaste, mini mouthwash, floss and picks. I also keep lip balm and gum at work. We recently bought a water-pik my husband setup the other day... haven't tried it yet.

I feel like I'm always digging or brushing my teeth!

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:10 am
I just purchased the Waterpik this morning from Wal Mart. Now I just need to order the DentaKit so it can arrive by next Thursday!!

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:45 am
by LewisS
Are Waterpik's actually worth it? I haven't actually been out that much since I got my braces because I'm not longer at college during summer and the weather is TERRIBLE - so I haven't really had a reason to clean them when I'm out-and-about. I feel stupid because I haven't really invested in much more than a cheap orthodontic toothbrush and some interdental brushes. I got some wax given, but haven't really used it...I find chap stick much more effective!

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:38 pm
by kreyFL
LewisS wrote:Are Waterpik's actually worth it? I haven't actually been out that much since I got my braces because I'm not longer at college during summer and the weather is TERRIBLE - so I haven't really had a reason to clean them when I'm out-and-about. I feel stupid because I haven't really invested in much more than a cheap orthodontic toothbrush and some interdental brushes. I got some wax given, but haven't really used it...I find chap stick much more effective!
IMO yes the Waterpik is worth it. I don't travel with my waterpik - that would make me feel silly - but it is easier to use and less abrasive than brushing every single time I eat something. I work from home so I use mine literally 4 times a day or more. I only use a travel toothbrush and toothpicks when I'm on the go. No need to make a big hoopla out of cleaning my braces, especially in a public restroom. lol

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:55 pm
by KissMyGlitz
I just got my braces 2 weeks ago and I went crazy and bought a kit too.

The only thing I didn't see anyone mention is silicone earplugs instead of wax. It's non toxic, safe if swallowed and it works better for me.

OH and I Love my waterpik but it gets messy for some reason, I am uncoordinated and I can never just turn it off without taking it out of my mouth.

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:35 pm
by Sita
KissMyGlitz wrote:OH and I Love my waterpik but it gets messy for some reason, I am uncoordinated and I can never just turn it off without taking it out of my mouth.
No pause button thingy? Mine has a pause button thingy.

I am currently looking around for a good portable/travel water flosser. In the beginning I didn't need one but now that I have powerchains on most of my teeth I need one. Either that or I will never eat away from home again. :-)

Re: Shopping list...

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:53 am
by Matilda
Portable toothbrush, portable toothpaste, interdental brushes, dental floss, mouthwash, breath spray, breath strips.