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Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:03 pm
by jessieg
I'm just over the 8 week hump now but my front teeth still hurt and I can't bite anything. Just went for my first appointment and he said one of my front teeth has moved so far so fast, that's why they still hurt. I am finding that I am just eating anything I can rip up and shove in the back of my mouth. I was trying to eat really healthy pre braces, but I feel like veggies and sandwiches are non existent now, and I'm starting to eat anything soft. Like popcorn chicken...fries...etc...I don't want to go down the wrong road after all this work. So health nuts with braces, what did you eat when your mouth still hurt?

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:20 pm
by starfish88
I'm pretty new at this but right now I'm finding I'm missing out on protein being vegetarian and most protein being too tough anyway. Eggs have been a life saver, scrambled they are soft enough to eat without any teeth! Havn't been doing well on the vegetables though, maybe I'll have some mushy peas later!

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:43 pm
by xanidu2012
Soft foods. I like cream style corn, soft cabbage (even though it stuck in brackets) yogurt, broccoli soup, potato and clam chowder soups.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:34 pm
by TMJJill
My orthodontist recommends lots of spinach. I told him it was hard to chew with my splint and he said smoothies with the spinach are the way to go.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:24 pm
I am so glad someone posted this question. Now I know what to go to the store and stock up on to have to eat!!

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:02 am
by Grace123
If you like Mediterranean flavors you will feel healthy and happy eating tabbouleh, hummus, stuffed grape leaves, and I've just added falafel to the list. Quinoa is a great healthy soft source of protein. Pesto sauce and very finely chopped veggies and feta cheese in eggs is excellent- scrambled or omelette. Greek yogurt and smoothies are still the best on the days when even small chews hurt. I'm not Greek but you wouldn't know it looking in my refrigerator! Now that summer squash is in season where I live I am sautéing it with onion and garlic and tomatoes and putting on (over cooked) pasta. I have not felt like cooking like I used to before the braces (about 3 months) but I'm doing my best to maintain a healthy diet. I miss a big salad! All that chewing still does my cheeks in even though my teeth don't hurt. Looking forward to reading other ideas. Best of luck to you.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:00 am
by BellaBraces
Fish is good. It is pretty soft anyway and can be cut into tiny pieces that you can suck to mush (don't brace wearers have charming conversations???) or swallow whole.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:34 am
by Rusty'sMom
Perfect for warm summer months and lots of protein, my favorite meal in a glass: peanut butter smoothie! In a blender or magic bullet place about 4-6oz of nonfat greek vanilla (or plain) yogurt, a heaping tablespoon of smooth all natural peanut butter, 1/2 of a frozen banana, 4 oz of lowfat milk, then fill cup to 1" below rim with crushed ice. Blend until smooth. Absolutely delicious!

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:27 pm
by AltoRose
I swear by Slim-Fast shakes. I never drank them before I got braces, but now I have at least one a day. Tons of protein and vitamins in tasty liquid form!

My other favorite healthy treat is a mashed-up avocado with a squirt of lime juice and some kosher salt. Heavenly.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:32 pm
by Cassandra
You guys are making my mouth water, I love most of the things listed here :-**

With a food processor you can do almost anything. Just throw a load of fruit and veggies in. I love raw carrot & apple smoothies, I usually throw spinach in there too but I reckon most people would be put off by the strange grey colour it turns!

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:41 pm
by lambchop
Cucumber, shredded beets and spinach all incorporate well into smoothies (the beets help make it a cheery color!) as well as melon and kiwis. I usually make a meatloaf, using uncooked oatmeal in place of most of the breadcrumbs after an adjustment (this is something my husband will eat, too) along with pureed cauliflower (tastes just like mashed potatoes!). Tofu egg salad, cottage cheese, mashed beans, tuna, hummus and scrambled egg whites are definitely on my list, too. And, honestly, after a day or two, chewing starts to feel still hurts, but I guess it's like a teething child!

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:13 pm
by yogapaws
Food- Eating-My favorite subject!
I love smoothies with Greek yogurt- I use almond milk & almond butter, banana.
Lentils or black beans with brown rice (easier than white rice) or couscous with avocado & salsa... or peas and broth for soup.
Canned chicken, tuna or salmon with lemon flavored hummus.. and peas or spinach.
Mac n cheese. Noodles with hummus. Portabella mushrooms.
Applesauce & vanilla or honey Greek yogurt.
Pancakes with almond butter & banana.
Eggplant Parmesan.
Oatmeal with walnuts & ground flax seed- if you microwave with milk the nuts soften up- & fruit.
Tofu -fried in soy sauce/ginger.
I have managed brussel sprouts & beets. Asparagus was awful & for some reason I can't manage green beans.

Quiche may work for the egg/cheese group.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:01 am
by AquarianDragon
I eat spinach every day! Either in an egg wrap, florentine quiche or pureed as found in Indian dishes. I get a lot of my veggies through Indian food (my husband is Indian) so I eat a lot of veggies this way and tend to be cooked down a bit softer. Spinach does feel slimey sometimes, but I still eat it since it seems to be an excellent food for us in braces.

Re: Healthy eating tips when teeth hurt?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:44 pm
by KissMyGlitz
Glad to see this topic.

I've been eating so many carbs because of the texture. I need to go the shake route, I love the idea.
Thanks everyone.