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Heavy Metal poisoning from braces and fillings?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:06 pm
by denferb
hey everyone! i have been a member of this community for about 5 years now and i have taken off my braces back in 2008.

I have experienced symptoms very soon as i started dental work. My fillings were the very beginning and then when the braces were on (the brackets are made from nickel) i was very very depressive. it sucked!

I am going to tell my dentist that on monday i will want to remove the filling out of my mouth because it causes symptoms towards my health

have anyone here recieved any allergic response to their braces?

here is a website with lots of info written by a dentist

Re: Heavy Metal poisoning from braces and fillings?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:26 pm
by sweetcynic
I have a nickel allergy; hence I require titanium brackets(ended up being cheaper to just do invisalign). I think modern fillings tend to be a nonmetallic white composite material. You could ask about replacing your metal fillings with that, as you'll need to replace them with something.

Re: Heavy Metal poisoning from braces and fillings?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:10 am
by denferb
sweetcynic wrote:I have a nickel allergy; hence I require titanium brackets(ended up being cheaper to just do invisalign). I think modern fillings tend to be a nonmetallic white composite material. You could ask about replacing your metal fillings with that, as you'll need to replace them with something.

how were you diagnosed with nickel allergy? i got my braces all the way in 2006 and i got a filling a few weeks before my braces were put in and ever since i started feeling sick. I have alot of "psychological" allergy responses i guess you can say. I just havent been the person I once was :?

Would anyone happen to know the average price of having a filling removed? I only have 1.

Re: Heavy Metal poisoning from braces and fillings?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:29 pm
by xanidu2012
Before I had my braces put on I had to have a tooth pulled and a week later had all my metal fillings removed and replaced with something else. My dentist said years ago there was a risk of mercury poisoning with metal fillings so he suggested removal. I've had no problems with braces (nickel)