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Lingual Braces - small band went flying down the sink...!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:14 pm
by Sugarelle
Ok, slight panic this morning, while brushing my teeth I saw a band (?) go flying down the sink (the water was running). I saw it as my ortho put it on but there was only two placed on my teeth. It was a round bit with a leg thing hanging off it, really small. Does that make sense?? I don't really know what it's for but it's gone!

Does anyone know what they are and if it will have any impact?? I work in the Pilbara on a fly in fly out roster so I can't see my ortho until the 30 Nov :(

Re: Lingual Braces - small band went flying down the sink...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:14 pm
by coconutqueen
Call the office and see what they say.

Re: Lingual Braces - small band went flying down the sink...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:43 pm
by Sugarelle
Hiya Coconutqueen, I had to wait a few hours until they were open and then had to wait for someone to call me back, I eventually received a text last night to say it was called a SEP and it was there to help stabilise my RME...(not sure how tho) crossing my fingers that nothing happens while I'm at work as I don't go back down to Perth until 29th Nov.

Re: Lingual Braces - small band went flying down the sink...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:43 pm
by Sugarelle
Hiya Coconutqueen, I had to wait a few hours until they were open and then had to wait for someone to call me back, I eventually received a text last night to say it was called a SEP and it was there to help stabilise my RME...(not sure how tho) crossing my fingers that nothing happens while I'm at work as I don't go back down to Perth until 29th Nov.