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Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:44 pm
by BracesBlueKK
Thee first time I broke my power chain, was entirely my fault. I was in a foul mood, and ended up eating a skor bar (actually eating it, not sucking on it until it dissolves).

Now this time I can't pinpoint what happened. I eat carefully, and I try and make sure harder food is broken into smaller bites so that I can eat it. One of the only things I can remember that might have snapped one link of my power chain would be salad. I remember feeling something almost like a snap, and I thought that perhaps I had knocked out some food. But tonight I had stew for dinner, and that had some steak in it. All I was trying to 'pull' out some of the meat stuck in my braces, I noticed that my powerchain felt odd. So I used a flashlight to see, and lo and behold I have broken my powerchain in the exact same spot as last time. :ThumbsDown:

Why did it break so easy this time? It could have only been a few kinds of food as I've been relatively good about food this time.

I dunno. I'm just annoyed and stuff. I also feel a little stupid for this happening twice now! And both time so close to my actual appointment. :oops: :cry:

Anyone else have issues with their powerchains?

Re: Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:47 pm
by Marigold
Wow, I didn't think those things could break that easily. I never had problems like that with mine, and I've eaten things I shouldn't too. My only problem was that it made it harder to floss around and keep clean.

Re: Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:26 pm
by TMJJill
I haven't had any problems with mine.

What color are you wearing? I've been told the clear ones are a bit stronger than some of the colored ones.

Re: Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:01 pm
by BracesBlueKK
Sorry I haven't replied; exams kept me busy.

I have red ones on because it seemed Christmas'y. I had silver ones on last time.

I'll have to see if they have clear.

It's really annoying and feels weird (and I'm worried that I'm screwing up my progress), but I have my adjustment tomorrow. Hopefully I won't get scolded for have it snapped in the same spot twice in a row.

I really hate these stupid things haha. Food definitely gets stuck easier, even if they are smoother under my lips.

Re: Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:51 pm
by emmazzy
Same thing happened to me, I had a piece of bread stuck on the bottom powerchain so I kept poking it, it wasnt until my monthly adjustment that I was told that I had ripped it. They told me I set back my treatment =P Its white and the only bad part is when you eat something that stains or turns them dark, they look gross. Last week, my bottom powerchain popped out while I was flossing. Thankfully, it was only from two brackets and I was able to get them back on myself since they couldnt fit me that week. I just had my monthly adjustment today and they removed the bottom powerchain. I never had any problems with the top powerchain.

Re: Anyone else have problems with their powerchains?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:25 pm
by Angel269
Seems ok to me. I have mainly had tooth coloured powerchains across the top 6.

Had some clears to start with, which weren't as stong/close and glad I am on the others as the clear stained quite easily.