Wires are finally on...

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Wires are finally on...

#1 Post by Sugarelle »

Woohoo, they're finally on, didn't know top and bottoms were going on at the same time but they did, kinda glad tho, sooner they are on the sooner I can see an improvement.

I'm 37 years old but really glad that I'm finally doing it than waiting til I get older and wish I did it years ago. I already wish I did it 10 years ago, but that's ok, they're on now and that's all that matters.

I've still got my expander on and it won't come off until about late March early April, it won't be long before that is off. They say about 6 months for most people.

Since I got the wires on it feels like my teeth are going to explode, that's the only way I can describe it right now, they obviously won't but it kinda feels like it :)

I can't even eat a banana without it hurting like mad, made chicken and vegetable soup and when it cooled down I whacked it in the blender, looks gross but tastes amazing.

Anyhoo, I imagine the pain will subside in a few days, I hope so anyway :D

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