Intro and 3 orthodontic opinions - your thoughts?
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:52 am
Hello, I’m new to the forum and this is my first post (it’s going to be long…please bear with me!) I’m considering getting braces and I’m trying to do as much research as possible before taking the plunge. All input welcome!
Some background information on me: This is not my first foray into the world of braces. When I was a child I had a fairly significant overjet and a gap in my upper central incisors. I also had wonky lower incisors, although these didn’t concern me. At the age of 11 I started orthodontic treatment for the overjet and the gap (but not the lower incisors) which involved wearing a functional brace for a couple of years, followed by a retainer-type brace. I wore both appliances as directed by my orthodontist and finally finished treatment at the age of 15. Great! Straight upper teeth! Until, ooh, I was about 17. A grand total of two years. In my late teens my upper right lateral incisor started to creep forward (or so I thought), followed, not long after, by the upper left lateral incisor. By my early-mid twenties I was sporting a fashionable vampire look with protruding upper lateral incisors.
So, anyway, I’m now 30. Finally feeling as though I could afford some dental work, and having heard wonderful things about Invisalign, I booked myself a £150 orthodontic consultation at my current dental practice. I had convinced myself that I would be an ideal candidate for Invisalign, having already had orthodontic treatment when I was younger. Not quite. The ortho took photos, moulds and X-rays and then gave me the news. Turns out that I have a significant overbite, a class II malocclusion on my left-hand side despite a perfect bite on my right-hand side, a completely misaligned midline, an overjet (an overjet?! Hey, what about my functional brace?), severe-moderate crowding on my retroclined lower incisors and retroclined upper central incisors that veer slightly to the left. Gosh. Who knew?? When the ortho started to talk about 2-year treatment and extractions I realised that (a) my 12-month Invisalign dream was over, (b) I wanted to get a few other opinions before pursuing this brace idea and (c) I do not want visible braces on my upper teeth. Nope, not even ceramics. I don’t even really want them on my lower teeth. I already did the visible braces thing in my pre-teen/early teen years and don’t fancy going back to that.
So, having absorbed the shock, I booked in a couple of free consultations with orthodontists (all qualified and board-certified) in other practices in London.
What they agree on: All of the above problems. It appears as though my jaw continued to grow and develop after I finished my functional brace treatment at 15. This brought back my overjet problem, although probably not to the extent as it was before. My lower lip is positioned so that it presses on my upper central incisors, forcing them back into a retroclined position. Therefore my front upper lateral incisors are actually correctly positioned. The problem is that my front teeth are too far back in comparison, which gives me the vampire look.
How the different orthos think I should treat the problem:
Orthodontist 1 (Used to working with fixed braces. Took photos, moulds and X-ray.)
- Either extract UR5 and UL5 (upper second bicuspids) to eliminate the overjet, OR don’t extract any teeth but accept a 5mm-6mm overjet after treatment
- Either extract a grossly misaligned lower incisor on my lower arch or two lower bicuspids to reduce the crowding. In her opinion, my lower teeth are too narrow and retroclined to slenderise effectively. Extraction is necessary.
- Invisalign may improve my teeth but will not be nearly as effective as fixed braces. Invisalign would cost £4,000 (approx. $6,300) She does not tend to work with Invisalign.
- Incognito - £9,500 (approx. $15,000)
- Upper ceramics and lower metal - £3,800 ($6,000)
- Upper and lower ceramics - £4,300 ($6,800) but she doesn’t recommend ceramics on the lower teeth with my bite
- Treatment time: About 24 months.
Orthodontist 2 (Works predominantly with lingual braces. Took photos. I gave him a photo of the X-ray from my visit with Orthodontist 1)
- Extract UR5 (upper second bicuspid) and UL4 (upper first bicuspid) to eliminate overjet. Discrepancy in extractions due to discrepancy in my bite on right and left sides
- No need to extract from lower arch. Use of arch expansion and slenderisation if necessary will suffice.
- Invisalign not even vaguely an option due to the complexity of my case.
- Incognito upper and lower - £8,000 ($12,500)
- Incognito upper, ceramics lower - £6,500 ($10,200). The lingual brace would go on first to create room and the ceramics would go on later.
- Treatment time: 18-24 months
Orthodontist 3 (Invisalign Platinum provider. No photos or anything taken at this visit)
- Extract two upper bicuspids, one on each side, to eliminate overjet OR don’t extract and accept 5mm-6mm overjet after the treatment, but try to disguise it with lower teeth OR don’t extract but slenderise upper teeth to reduce/eliminate the overjet
- No need to extract from lower arch. Space acquired through slenderisation of the teeth
- Invisalign an option if I am very motivated and prepared to wear them correctly for two years. Is experienced with complex cases with Invisalign. Price for upper and lower Invisalign: £4,300 ($6,800)
- Upper Invisalign and lower ceramics - £5,500 ($8,600). I’d never heard of this before, but ortho says he has used this combination effectively in the past.
- Incognito upper and lower - £7,500 ($11,800)
- Does not like to combine Incognito with ceramics, so not an option at this orthodontist
- Treatment time: 24 months
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on these different options. It’s all very expensive as I’m based in London and therefore everything is at a premium. (Orthos 1 and 3 are most conveniently located for me.)
Apologies for the long post. Thanks for reading, if you’ve got this far!
Some background information on me: This is not my first foray into the world of braces. When I was a child I had a fairly significant overjet and a gap in my upper central incisors. I also had wonky lower incisors, although these didn’t concern me. At the age of 11 I started orthodontic treatment for the overjet and the gap (but not the lower incisors) which involved wearing a functional brace for a couple of years, followed by a retainer-type brace. I wore both appliances as directed by my orthodontist and finally finished treatment at the age of 15. Great! Straight upper teeth! Until, ooh, I was about 17. A grand total of two years. In my late teens my upper right lateral incisor started to creep forward (or so I thought), followed, not long after, by the upper left lateral incisor. By my early-mid twenties I was sporting a fashionable vampire look with protruding upper lateral incisors.
So, anyway, I’m now 30. Finally feeling as though I could afford some dental work, and having heard wonderful things about Invisalign, I booked myself a £150 orthodontic consultation at my current dental practice. I had convinced myself that I would be an ideal candidate for Invisalign, having already had orthodontic treatment when I was younger. Not quite. The ortho took photos, moulds and X-rays and then gave me the news. Turns out that I have a significant overbite, a class II malocclusion on my left-hand side despite a perfect bite on my right-hand side, a completely misaligned midline, an overjet (an overjet?! Hey, what about my functional brace?), severe-moderate crowding on my retroclined lower incisors and retroclined upper central incisors that veer slightly to the left. Gosh. Who knew?? When the ortho started to talk about 2-year treatment and extractions I realised that (a) my 12-month Invisalign dream was over, (b) I wanted to get a few other opinions before pursuing this brace idea and (c) I do not want visible braces on my upper teeth. Nope, not even ceramics. I don’t even really want them on my lower teeth. I already did the visible braces thing in my pre-teen/early teen years and don’t fancy going back to that.
So, having absorbed the shock, I booked in a couple of free consultations with orthodontists (all qualified and board-certified) in other practices in London.
What they agree on: All of the above problems. It appears as though my jaw continued to grow and develop after I finished my functional brace treatment at 15. This brought back my overjet problem, although probably not to the extent as it was before. My lower lip is positioned so that it presses on my upper central incisors, forcing them back into a retroclined position. Therefore my front upper lateral incisors are actually correctly positioned. The problem is that my front teeth are too far back in comparison, which gives me the vampire look.
How the different orthos think I should treat the problem:
Orthodontist 1 (Used to working with fixed braces. Took photos, moulds and X-ray.)
- Either extract UR5 and UL5 (upper second bicuspids) to eliminate the overjet, OR don’t extract any teeth but accept a 5mm-6mm overjet after treatment
- Either extract a grossly misaligned lower incisor on my lower arch or two lower bicuspids to reduce the crowding. In her opinion, my lower teeth are too narrow and retroclined to slenderise effectively. Extraction is necessary.
- Invisalign may improve my teeth but will not be nearly as effective as fixed braces. Invisalign would cost £4,000 (approx. $6,300) She does not tend to work with Invisalign.
- Incognito - £9,500 (approx. $15,000)
- Upper ceramics and lower metal - £3,800 ($6,000)
- Upper and lower ceramics - £4,300 ($6,800) but she doesn’t recommend ceramics on the lower teeth with my bite
- Treatment time: About 24 months.
Orthodontist 2 (Works predominantly with lingual braces. Took photos. I gave him a photo of the X-ray from my visit with Orthodontist 1)
- Extract UR5 (upper second bicuspid) and UL4 (upper first bicuspid) to eliminate overjet. Discrepancy in extractions due to discrepancy in my bite on right and left sides
- No need to extract from lower arch. Use of arch expansion and slenderisation if necessary will suffice.
- Invisalign not even vaguely an option due to the complexity of my case.
- Incognito upper and lower - £8,000 ($12,500)
- Incognito upper, ceramics lower - £6,500 ($10,200). The lingual brace would go on first to create room and the ceramics would go on later.
- Treatment time: 18-24 months
Orthodontist 3 (Invisalign Platinum provider. No photos or anything taken at this visit)
- Extract two upper bicuspids, one on each side, to eliminate overjet OR don’t extract and accept 5mm-6mm overjet after the treatment, but try to disguise it with lower teeth OR don’t extract but slenderise upper teeth to reduce/eliminate the overjet
- No need to extract from lower arch. Space acquired through slenderisation of the teeth
- Invisalign an option if I am very motivated and prepared to wear them correctly for two years. Is experienced with complex cases with Invisalign. Price for upper and lower Invisalign: £4,300 ($6,800)
- Upper Invisalign and lower ceramics - £5,500 ($8,600). I’d never heard of this before, but ortho says he has used this combination effectively in the past.
- Incognito upper and lower - £7,500 ($11,800)
- Does not like to combine Incognito with ceramics, so not an option at this orthodontist
- Treatment time: 24 months
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on these different options. It’s all very expensive as I’m based in London and therefore everything is at a premium. (Orthos 1 and 3 are most conveniently located for me.)
Apologies for the long post. Thanks for reading, if you’ve got this far!