Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

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Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#1 Post by Gemma90 »

Hello there, im 22 years old and have recently over the past 6 months or so been thinking about Braces.

I've never really had much of a big problem with my teeth, but more recently I regret not having braces as a teen more than ever. Everyone just seems to have better teeth than I do and its something I now notice and I have become slightly more concious of my own.

Although I guess my teeth could be much much worse, my problem is with the spacing, partic on the bottom. My teeth are straight, theres only one 'crooked' tooth on the one upper side.

I had a consultation at 15 for braces, as I had a slight overbite, but I was considered 'boarderline' and was told for treatment I would have to pay. At the time, I was fine with that, even pleased that I wasn't going through my teen years a metal mouth like most other people were. (guess they've had the last laugh there. :P )

I want to close the gaps in my teeth, I think my lower teeth are quite small for my jaw and assume that is why they are gappy, but they are not hugely gappy. I have no overcrowding.

I'd be incredibly self consious of traditional braces at my age, so i've thought about invisalign, but heard they are not totally 'invisable'. Ceramics, although they are visable so slightly put off... Linguals sound the best for me, but they seem so expensive!

Im from the Uk, how much do you think it would cost for full lingual braces? I imagine quite a lot. How about if I were to have Lingual on top and ceramic on the bottom?

Are invisalign as effective as Lingual or ceramics?


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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#2 Post by Undecided »

Hi Gemma, you sound a bit like me!

As far as I understand it, Invisalign is okay for mild-moderate problems. If you have to have teeth extracted or you have big problems with your bite, then Invisalign is not for you. Invisalign is more expensive than traditional braces but less expensive than lingual.

If you have just minor issues, then you will have more options open to you - six month smiles, Incognito Lite, etc. The more complex the problems, the more you will have to look at full-on braces (either traditional or lingual). Also, be warned: I thought my teeth had fairly mild problems (I didn't qualify for NHS treatment when I was younger either). However, It seems that I do have quite major bite issues.

As for cost goes, it depends on where you live. I live in London and the costs are HIGH. I was quoted £6,500 for lingual/ceramic combo. If you live further out then you should be able to get it done for a lot cheaper. Bear in mind that some orthodontists will also do Invisalign/ceramic combinations. I have no idea if this is good practice or not.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#3 Post by BracesChick »

I'm in the USA, but I also looked at lingual. The cost for me to have just lingual on top and metal was $7400 US dollars. I got a total of 6 consultations, and one negative I heard about lingual several times was that they can cause a lisp and there is a greater chance of cutting your tongue. Best thing to do, is ask your dentist and hygienist who they recommend. Every orthodontist will have a different plan on what is best for you, so it's good to become well educated by getting several consolations.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#4 Post by Carlosis »

I've just begun treatment for linguals (upper and lower) and the cost was £6995. The surgery is based in Windsor though so depending on where you live, what you get quoted and how much travel would be to get to a cheaper surgery is all something to think about.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#5 Post by Gemma90 »

Oh dear, that is way way more than I was expecting to pay, Im not in London though. What is the absolute cheapest option for any type of braces? I may consider full Ceramic if it was alot cheaper.

My bite is fine I think, I have a very slight overbite, nothing too severe. I didn't qualify for NHS treatment back in 2006ish anyway. Looking at my teeth, the back ones and side ones are all pretty fine and close together, its the very front ones which are gappy and the problem I have with my teeth.

Is there such a option for part of a brace to be put on? Like just on the front ones that need closing up and not extending to the sides?

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#6 Post by Gemma90 »

Can anyone help me?

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#7 Post by jem »

Hi Gemma,

My ortho ( in the Midlands) charges adults £3,500 for full braces top and bottom She uses the Damon clear brand. You can expect to pay £2,500-£5,000 outside London for clear conventional braces and perhaps more if your case is complex.

My issues were only with my top front teeth and my ortho has fitted a "sectional" brace on just my front 8 teeth. The cost is 30% of full braces presumably based on my chair time and materials costs only being 30%. Not all orthos will do sectional braces and some insist on bracing both arches to ensure that they can control your bite as your teeth are moved by your braces.

Do get your treatment from a specially qualified orthodontist ( you can check on the BDA website). There is good money in orthodontics and there are a lot of general dentists offering orthodontic services without being specially qualified ( look out for the fancy websites and marketing and cut price offers). Bear in mind that the braces of whatever kind are only the tools and that it is the skill of the orthodontist that you are paying for.The safest bet is to ask your general dentist for ortho recommendations.

Then ring round a few orthos and ask about treatment options and prices. They will obviously only be able to advise after they have examined your teeth, but this should at least give you some ideas. You will almost certainly have to pay to see an orthodontist, but many practices will be happy to invite you to visit them and give you time with their treatment co-ordinator at no cost before you commit to seeing their orthodontist.

Remember that most orthos offer treatment plans. I suspect few of us could afford to pay our ortho fees in one lump sum.

Good luck

Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months
. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#8 Post by Gemma90 »

I had a consultation last week and was suggested the Six Month Smiles, he reckoned about 5 - 6 months it would take to close my gaps.

But the cost is £4,800... seriously? He said it would be an easy job, but this just seems pricey. Im not London based?

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#9 Post by Gemma90 »

Im in the Midlands aswell Jem.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#10 Post by beckybrucelee »

Hey guys I'm 6-8 weeks off the end of my 6MS treatment I paid £3175 in Kingston Upon Thames (South London) for upper and lower, regular check ups, retainers, contouring and whitening included in the price. I know they're a bit more expensive than some other options but TRUST ME when I tell you that if I had to have these on any frigging longer than this I'd been pulling my teeth out just to get rid of them faster. I can't imagine having them on any longer than 6 months but I also think anything over £3500 is ridiculous money for dental alignment. All you're paying extra for with the lingual is to make them more hidden but they're still on for ages. I've kept a blog about my experiences with 6MS and I wrote about the decision making part of which to get and why I ended up with these you can read it along with my overall experience of having 6MS including progress photos and tips to help with gum pain etc, hope it helps:

http://my6monthsmiles.wordpress.com/201 ... th-smiles/

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#11 Post by peppy »

I'm midlands-based and here are some of the prices I was quoted:

The ortho I went to for my first consultation gave me all the options. Damon and linguals were in the same region of about £4500 and Invisalign was about £3500. 6MS were quoted at £2950 but I shopped around and have a great practice doing mine for £2500.

£4800 is way too much in my opinion.

I would seriously consider 6MS if your problem is just cosmetic and you are suitable. I don't think mine are too visible, it's cheaper and faster.
Debraced on Friday 20th September 2013!

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#12 Post by Gemma90 »

Well I am most def going to shop around.

One thing that has also occurred to me... I am aware I have a misaligned jaw, its not totally noticeable unless I pointed it out, but if I really look at my teeth, although the bite of the back teeth seem fairly together, the teeth themselves veer off at an angle. I am worried that braces could make the misalingment more noticable? As I would be pushing the teeth back and closing the gaps. I've never had a dentist comment on this... Should this be something to be considered before thinking more about braces?

Also, is it possible to have braces on just my lower teeth to start off with and then come back to doing the tops at a later time?

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#13 Post by Gemma90 »

I should have said the teeth at the front veer off at a angle.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#14 Post by NeilH »

Hi Gemma,

It's definitely worth taking advice from an orthodontist, as opposed to a dentist offering orthodontics, to see what your options are. The British Orthodontic Society recently ran an advert explaining the difference between quick fix braces and more extensive orthodontic options so the more trusted advice you get, the better information you will have to make an informed decision. I made the mistake of getting orthodontics from a dentist whilst I was in my twenties and now are going back to an orthodontist to get it done properly. Don't dismiss the more traditional options, they are very effective, a lot cheaper and will give you a great result. I did not experience any social problems wearing metal braces, in fact, no one was interested at all so give some thought to traditional or ceramic (clear) braces if you decide not to go with behind the teeth braces such as Incognito. Good luck.

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#15 Post by isthistaken »

I was advised by my dentist and hygienist against lingual. I believe their objection was hygiene and comfort issues.

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