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Dental visit and braces

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:45 pm
by SparklyMouth
Today I had to re-vist my dentist for a filling. She was impressed with the ortho's work (her referral) and pleased with my dental care (uh, yeah, brushing a million times a day and water-pik-ing). She numbed my mouth up GOOD and I was drooling mess by the time I left. Having a numb mouth and braces is MADDENING! I'm glad she's done with the fillings.

How do regular dental cleanings work with braces? I love the tooth polish at the end, but I think the brackets will be a buzz kill.

Re: Dental visit and braces

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:11 pm
by BracesChick
You had to get numb for a filling? I had a filing a few months ago before braces and they didnt have to numb at all. He uses a laser instead of a drill, awesome if you ask me!

My dentist said that the cleaning is just like without braces, they just work around it. My first cleaning with braces is not until July though.

Re: Dental visit and braces

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:29 am
by Ciara
BracesChick wrote:You had to get numb for a filling? I had a filing a few months ago before braces and they didnt have to numb at all. He uses a laser instead of a drill, awesome if you ask me!
Depend on how deep the filling is. I've had fillings done with a laser too some with no anesthesia and others were I certainly needed it.

Re: Dental visit and braces

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:11 pm
by zdenka
The cleaning takes longer and yes they do work around the brackets. I love love love getting my teeth cleaned. I find I can never do as good job now that I have braces. Plus they remove all the stains around the brackets. I go every 3 months.

Re: Dental visit and braces

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:25 pm
by beckyboo0205
A laser? Whoa, I never knew that was something they did now with fillings. Crazy!