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Retainer woes

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:03 pm
by sweetembraceable
My braces are finally off! I got my Essix retainer last week and I was told to wear it most of the day (and all night) for a week, and then only at night. I was talking funny, tensing my jaw, tongue and throat. I finally got used to it, but now I'm having trouble speaking without it in. It's as if my tongue got so used to the new position and fighting to speak, I'm all tense even without the damn thing! I no longer clench my teeth, but I have all this pent up tension, I guess nowhere to release it. Anyone else experience any of this this? I'm tongue tied and I only wear the thing to sleep! (It's almost as if I feel better with it than without.) Will I eventually speak normally again? Erghhhh.

Re: Retainer woes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 6:30 am
by BracesChick
I'm a long way from having one, but maybe getting used to it is just like we had to get used to talking with braces. Have you spoken to your ortho about getting a different type of retainer? I'm getting this same kind when I'm done, but its only to sleep in. I'll also have a permanent retainer.

Re: Retainer woes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:03 am
by Leebie3
I'm the same as braces chick sorry but I hope it gets better for you quickly!

Re: Retainer woes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:28 am
by JumpTheDitch
I had both Essix & Hawleys after braces the first time - Essix for day & Hawleys for night. I hated the Essix ones, I found them really uncomfortable & hard to speak in, tons of charming saliva, etc. I also found itrather claustrophobic having all my teeth fully covered. I much preferred the Hawleys, & tended to wear them most of the time.

I'm definitely no ortho, but one week full-time isnt very long. My original ortho told me that teeth will move over your whole life, & that if I wanted to keep mine in their final position I'd need to wear my retainers at night always. My current dentist (doing my 2nd round of ortho) subscribes to the buteko breathing approach, & says that if the tongue is kept in the correct spot ('N position'), along with keeping lips closed (& nose breathing as opposed to mouth-breathing), that they act as a natural retainer. I'll still be getting a permanent retainer though.

Re: Retainer woes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:26 pm
by klobird
Im getting my braces off on Monday, and the Essix then too---now I'm worried, I will be in Hawaii from Tues to Tues. with no ortho to complain to! He said the Hawley wouldn't work well for me...I have to have the Essix on the top for 6 months 24/7. Top and bottom 24/7 at night forever...hmmm....scary.....

Re: Retainer woes

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:17 pm
by sweetembraceable
My ortho doesn't do Hawleys. I'm okay since I'm only wearing them to sleep. But I still talk like I have them in when I don't. I was so trying so hard to speak clearly with them in that I forgot how to speak normally. My tongue is tired after conversing a bit. I never thought I'd miss jaw- clenching lol. Long E and Y sounds are hard for me especially. 8 days of excessive clenching and trying not to sound lispy confused my tongue.

I don't want to scare anyone or anything. It's probably just me. I felt dumb but I figure I'd ask in case someone had the same thing.

I'm hoping my tongue, throat and jaw muscles learn to take a chill pill soon.